[Proflist] Announcement of Opportunity: Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science (IDEAS)

Alfred R. Rodi Rodi at uwyo.edu
Wed Jan 4 10:21:38 MST 2012

Announcement of Opportunity: Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science

Please see http://flights.uwyo.edu/n2uw/ideas.shtml for project dates and application information -- deadline for proposals is 1 March 2012.

The University of Wyoming Research Flight Center along with the NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory/Research Aviation Facility are announcing a Request for Proposals for the Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science (IDEAS) Program. This year is focused on instrumentation and educational opportunities onboard the University of Wyoming King Air with an ultimate goal to improve the capability of instrumentation for future National Science Foundation (NSF) airborne deployments and to provide opportunities for students to learn about observational science. 

Students who may have an interest in a career related to airborne science are encouraged to participate. Faculty members teaching related classes (e.g., instrumentation, air pollution, meteorology, etc.) also are welcome to propose measurement needs for class projects using data collected for students during IDEAS. 

Alfred R. Rodi
Professor and Head
Department of Atmospheric Science
University of Wyoming
Dept. 3038
Laramie WY 82071 USA
Ph: 307-766-4945 Fx: -2635

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