[Proflist] Today, JCSDA Seminar, 2 PM: Goldberg

George Ohring george.ohring at noaa.gov
Wed Feb 15 08:19:27 MST 2012

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*JCSDA Seminar*


*Status of the NPP Satellite Instruments***


*Mitch Goldberg** (and NPP Sensor and Environmental Data **Record Teams)**
**Acting Program Scientist, Joint Polar Satellite System*


*Date,  Time & Place*

*Wednesday, February 15, 2012
2:00 – 3:00 PM, *World Weather Building, *Room 707*, 5200 Auth Road, Camp
Springs, MD 20746


The Suomi NPP satellite was successfully launched on October 28, 2011 and
carries the following five sensors:

-          *Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite* (*VIIRS*)
providingadvanced imaging and radiometric capabilities.

-          *Cross**-track Infrared Sounder *(*CrIS*) providing improved
high vertical resolution atmospheric temperature and moisture information.

-          *Advanced Technology Microwave
(ATMS)*providing atmospheric temperature and moisture in all weather

-          *Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) **providing
improved** *vertical
and horizontal measurements of the distribution of ozone in the Earth's

-          *Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES)* sensor
providing precise, calibrated global measurements of the earth's radiation

The Suomi NPP mission is the bridge between NOAA’s Polar Operational
Environmental Satellite (POES) and NASA’s Earth Observing System satellites
to the next-generation Joint Polar Satellite System, or JPSS, which NOAA
will operate. NPP will provide on-orbit testing and validation of sensors,
algorithms, ground-based operations, and data processing systems that will
be used in the operational JPSS mission. The first JPSS spacecraft will be
launched into the afternoon orbit by the middle of the decade to provide
significantly improved operational capabilities and benefits; the last
satellite in the JPSS series is expected to continue operations until about
2037. The JPSS program has an active program of user engagement to maximize
the benefits of NPP and JPSS for critical products and services such as
weather forecasting.

At the seminar, an overview of the JPSS program, some early results from
each instrument, and user engagement will be presented.

*Remote Access*

*Video:* 1. Go to JCSDA
click on the seminar title
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: JCSDAseminars707
4. Click "Join Now".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
*Audio: *USA participants: 1-866-715-2479,  Passcode: 9457557
International:                    1-517-345-5260


If you would like to present a seminar contact George.Ohring at noaa.gov

*Seminar Files*

Slides available the day before and audio recording the day after the
presentation at  http://www.jcsda.noaa.gov/JCSDASeminars.php
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