[Proflist] AGU OSSE Session

George Ohring george.ohring at noaa.gov
Thu Aug 2 14:50:10 MDT 2012

Dear Colleague,

The NASA-NOAA-DOD Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation would like
to bring to your attention the session on OSSEs at the fall AGU meeting.
Please consider submitting an abstract by August 8.

George Ohring

A057: Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs): Challenges and
Atmospheric Sciences
Global Environmental Change

   1. *Lars Peter Riishojgaard*
   NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
   lars.p.riishojgaard at nasa.gov
   2. *Robert Atlas*
   NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
   robert.atlas at noaa.gov
   3. *Eric J Lindstrom*
   NASA Headquarters
   eric.j.lindstrom at nasa.gov
   4. *Ross N Hoffman*
   Atmospheric and Environmental Research
   ross.n.hoffman at aer.com

"OSSEs are increasingly complex, sophisticated, collaborative, and varied.
OSSE scientific results are used to support critical development and
deployment decisions. OSSEs are now used to evaluate+ Observations from
satellites, autonomous vehicles, etc.+ Of the atmosphere, ocean,
hydrosphere, land, and ice+ Sensed with IR, lidar, acoustic...
technologies+ At global, regional, catchment, harbor and other scales.The
goals of this session is to bring together researchers using OSSEs or
considering using OSSEs in diverse fields in order to share scientific
results and the approaches, methods, and experiences that lead to these
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