[Proflist] Today, 1:00 PM, JCSDA Seminar:Tim Schmit

Ana Carrion ana.carrion at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 14 08:55:48 MST 2011

The audio portion of JCSDA Seminars is now being recorded and posted on
the JCSDA Website the day after the seminar. Those who are unable to
attend the live presentation can now view the slides and listen to the
seminar at their own convenience.

* *


*JCSDA Seminar*



*The GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)***



*Tim Schmit**
**NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research*

*Date,  Time & Place*


*Wednesday, December 14, 2011
1:00 -- 2:00 PM, *World Weather Building, *Room 707*, 5200 Auth Road,
Camp Springs, MD 20746



The next generation geostationary satellite series will offer a
continuation of current products and services and enable improved and
new capabilities. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)-R series will
monitor a wide range of phenomena. As with the current GOES Imager, the
ABI will be used for weather, oceanographic, climate, and environmental
applications.  The ABI will improve upon the current GOES Imager with
more spectral bands, faster imaging, higher spatial resolution, better
navigation, and more accurate calibration. The ABI expands from five
spectral bands on the current GOES imagers to a total of 16 spectral
bands in the visible (2), near-infrared (4) and infrared (10) spectral
regions. There will be an increase of the coverage rate leading to full
disk scans at least every 15 minutes and continental US (CONUS) scans
every 5 minutes. These improvements will greatly assist a host of data
assimilation and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) applications,
especially on the regional and meso-scales via both direct assimilation
and in-direct validations.

*Remote Access*


*Video:*1. Go to JCSDA Seminar
and click on the seminar title
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: JCSDAseminars707
4. Click "Join Now".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
*Audio: *USA participants: 1-866-715-2479,  Passcode: 9457557
International:                    1-517-345-5260



If you would like to present a seminar contact George.Ohring at noaa.gov
<mailto:George.Ohring at noaa.gov>

*Seminar Files*


Slides available the day before and audio recording the day after the
presentation at  http://www.jcsda.noaa.gov/JCSDASeminars.php

Ana Carrion
Program Support Specialist
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
NOAA Science Center
5200 Auth Road, RM 808
Camp Springs, MD. 20746

Email: ana.carrion at noaa.gov
Office: 301-763-8172 Ext 128
Fax: 301-763-8149

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