[Proflist] NINTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "Research, Development and Application of High Technologies in Industry" 22-23 April 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia

Organization Committee conf at htsi.info
Fri Jan 22 12:50:04 MST 2010

Dear Colleagues!
With this letter we send you information about the NINTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “Research, Development and Application of High Technologies in Industry”, - 22-23 April 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia and other conferences. We invite you and colleagues from your Institute (University) take part in these conferences, also as Organizing Committees members. 
More information about conferences you can see on the site: htfi.ru, htfi.org.
With best regards,
Co-Chairman and Chief Executive of the Organizing Committees,                Kudinov A.P.
“Research, Development and Application 
of High Technologies in Industry” 
22-23 April 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia 
We inform you that THE NINTH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL CONFERENCE "RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF HIGH TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRY" will be held in 22-23 April, 2010 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Organizing Committee include: Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saint-Petersburg State University of Waterway Communications, Academy of Strategic Researches, Information and High Technologies (ASRIHT), Tomsk Polytechnical University, Military Academy of Communication of Ministry of Defence, Pavlov Institute of Physiology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other institutes and organizations.
At the plenary and section sessions of the Conference the following topics will be considered: 
1.                  The role of federal and regional authorities, state and private industrial sectors, mass media in the development of the education, basic and applied researches (hereinafter, BAR) and high technologies (hereinafter, HT) in Russia, USA, CIS and EU countries and other developed countries. The comparative analysis, search of optimal mechanisms of interaction and management. 
2.                  The state of the art and prospects of application of HТ results of basic and applied researches in various fields of science, education and industry (in particular, in military fields). Russia, the countries of CIS and EU, USA, China, India and other countries of the world: 
1.      Information and computer technologies (ICT), computer modelling, robotics, radio electronics, scientific instrument making, telecommunication systems, applied mathematics, direct and return problems, programming, cryptography and information protection databases;
2.      Theoretical and applied physics, radiophysics, chemistry, physical chemistry, gas dynamics and hydrodynamics; 
3.      Physics and technology of electric discharges, optical, laser, plasma, film and nanotechnologies, electronics, including the high capacities, nondestructive control; 
4.      Atomic and nuclear technologies, aircraft, rocket design and astronautics; 
5.      Powder metallurgy, materials technology, composition materials and strengthening technologies; 
6.      Biotechnology, medicine, genetics, cytology and agriculture; 
7.      Global and regional climatology and ecology. Research of processes, diagnostics, the analysis of development processes, development of methods of climate and ecology control; 
8.      Extraction, processing and transportation of raw material, energetics, welding, construction, metallurgy, chemical and heavy industry, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, transport, consumer production; 
9.      Standardization and automation of control systems of business, science, industry, regions and the state. The theory of steady development, computer simulation; 
10.  The international standardization of education, BAR, HT, and HT production. Problems, analysis and forecasts; 
3.                  Problems and ways of solution of economic efficiency and competitiveness in the world education market, BAR and HT in Russia and the CIS countries. Experience of the Eurounion, USA, China, India and other countries. A policy and economy of education, BAR, HT and HT in industries. Analytics, the comparative analysis. 
4.                  The education, basic and applied researches, high technologies and highly technological industry, as factors of state security, independence of the state, quality of life of citizens and protection of human rights. 
5.                  Development of HТ business - incubators, technoparks, ICТ - parks and "silicone" regions - as a basis of development of industry, including an export component, the performance of the state and defence orders. Practice, legislative base, the analysis and forecast. 
6.                  Intensification of works in the field of BAR, HТ, development HТ industry and preparation of highly skilled experts, as a basis for the solution of the problem of doubling of gross national product. Problems of youth in science and HТ industry. 
7.                  Basic and applied researches, high technologies and the highly technological industry of double purpose of 21st century. Computer simulation. 
8.                  Historiography, dialectics and political science of the development of education, basic and applied researches, high technologies and the highly developed industry. 
Such an expanded approach to the subjects of the Conference and the complex scientific analysis, as the experience of previous conferences has shown, make it possible to evaluate the state of the art, to develop and realize the optimal solutions and way of the development of education, BAR, HТ and the highly developed industry. It is also confirmed by the long-term work of the best Russian and foreign Universities, Institutes and Academies of Sciences.
We propose you and scientific workers of your University, Institute, Institution to take an active part in the Conference and in the work of Organizing Committee. The deadline for sending applications to participate in the Conference is 21.03.2010.
Your application should contain the following information: 
1.                  First name and last name of authors; 
2.                  Title and length of paper abstracts; 
3.                  Affiliation (if materials are presented by the institution); 
4.                  First name and last name of a speaker; 
5.                  Mailing address, fax and e-mail. 
The number of papers is not limited. 
More detailed information on conditions of participation in the International Conference will be sent after reception of the application. 
Please send your Application and proposals on the Conference subjects to the following addresses:
In Tomsk: 634055, Tomsk, Russia, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, 1 Akademichesky Ave.
Phone in Tomsk: +7(3822)492-738.
In St. Petersburg: North-West Representative Office of IAO SB RAS
Phone in St. Petersburg: +7(921)-877-36-24 - for English and German assistance
Tel/Fax: +7(812)574-30-17. 
Post address: P/O box 01, St. Petersburg, 195298, Russia.
E-mail: spbtpd at mail.ru
Co-Chair and Chief Executive of the Conference Organizing Committee, vice-director of IAO SB RAS Kudinov A.P. 

On the web-site htfi.ru you can also find information about the following conferences: 
1) FOURTH International scientific - practical conference
“The lessons of history. Second World war AND HISTORY OF RUSSIA AND WORLD IN 20-21 CENTURY” 
08-09 April 2010, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The deadline for sending applications to participate in the Conference is 15.03.2010.
The deadline for submitting papers is 01.04.2010.
The Organizing Committee
18-19 May 2010, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 
The deadline for sending applications to participate in the Conference is 25.04.2010. 
The deadline for submitting papers is 15.05.2010.
The Organizing Committee
P.S. We would be very thankful if You approved the letter receipt!
If You are not interested in receiving such information anymore, please, resend us the answer with the word “refusal” to conf at htfi.ru

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