[Proflist] Position available

Raymond W. Arritt rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu
Wed May 14 23:24:41 MDT 2008

Vacancy ID #   	 080436


Employing Department:  Agronomy

Appointment Conditions: 	Term, 12 Months, Full Time, Appointment ending
06-30-2009 with possibility of renewal

Proposed Start Date:  As soon as possible

Job Description:  This is a full time position for a Principal
Investigator to manage, conduct, and obtain funding for research
projects in climate modeling and analysis. As a component of this
activity the incumbent will serve as Assistant Director of ISU's newly
developed Climate Science Initiative CSI). The incumbent will direct,
design, manage research into climate and climate change on scales from
seasonal forecasts to decades. As Assistant Director of CSI the
incumbent will coordinate a broad range of research at ISU on climate
and its practical impacts, and will be responsible for communicating the
results of this research to stakeholders in Iowa and nationwide. He/she
also will assist the CSI Director in developing conferences and
workshops relating to climate and climate change, provide climate
information for faculty writing CSI proposals, and assist in writing
whitepapers and CSI newsletter materials. The incumbent will write
research grants for external funding, publish research in refereed
journals and present findings at professional conferences. The incumbent
will supervise support staff and will direct graduate and undergraduate
student research projects.

Required Qualifications:  Ph.D in Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, or
closely related discipline. Five years of experience developing,
executing, and analyzing numerical models and observed data for weather
and climate. Demonstrated success in securing external funding. Strong
record of research accomplishments as demonstrated by publications in
peer-reviewed professional journals. Demonstrated skill in communicating
scientific concepts to other scientists, policy makers, users of climate
information and the general public.

Salary: Minimum $61,439, commensurate with qualifications

Special Conditions:  Position is renewable depending upon satisfactory
job performance and continued funding. Vacation must be used during term
of employment or it will be forfeited.

Application Instructions:  Application must be submitted online at the
site http://www.iastatejobs.com for Vacancy ID # 080436. Please be
prepared to attach or enter the following:
1) Resume/Curriculum Vitae
2) Letter of Application/Cover Letter
3) Contact information for three references

If you have questions regarding this vacancy, please email Dr. Raymond
W. Arritt, rwarritt at agron.iastate.edu.

If you have questions regarding this application process, please email
employment at iastate.edu or call 515-294-2936.

To ensure consideration, submit application by 	05-28-2008

  Raymond W. Arritt                              tel +1-515-294-9870
  Professor, Department of Agronomy              fax +1-515-294-2619
  3010 Agronomy Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa  50011   USA
  Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape.

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