[Proflist] Private Sector Mentorship Program

Michelle Flores michelle at ucar.edu
Tue Oct 2 10:37:15 MDT 2007

[Please bring the following message regarding the AMS Board for Private 
Sector Meteorologists' mentorship program to the attention of your 
students.  Questions regarding the mentorship program may be addressed 
to Jim Block at the below noted email addresses.]

The AMS Board for Private Sector Meteorologists has reached across 
private industry to identify a cross-section of meteorology 
professionals that are volunteering their time to work with students 
like you!

The mentorship program is seeking senior-level undergraduate and 
graduate students that are focused on building a career in the private 
sector. This program is uniquely focused on skill development, coaching 
and helping you grow your professional expertise and business acumen. 
This program will give you the skills to allow you to stand out in the 
eyes of employers.

The program is structured to pair students like you with a mentor who is 
active in the private sector discipline of greatest interest to you, 
such as energy forecasting, weather derivatives, broadcasting, and 
catastrophe risk management. Every attempt is also made to pair you with 
a mentor who is in your geographic region to facilitate face-to-face 
interactions, in addition to regular phone calls and e-mails.

In order to ensure you and your mentor have an opportunity to build a 
strong working relationship during the '07/'08 academic year, we request 
that applications be submitted by *Friday, October 12*. Applications 
will be accepted later in the year; however, the number of mentors is 
limited so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible! Applications 
can be downloaded from the web address, 
*http://www.ametsoc.org/boardpges/bpsm/#mentoring*, and submitted to 
*Jim.Block at dtn.com <mailto:Jim.Block at dtn.com> *or* BPSM at ametsoc.org 
<mailto:BPSM at ametsoc.org>*.
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