[Proflist] ECSS2007 - UMFVG M&P CSS - UMFVG Movie and Picture Award for the Session 11

Michelle Flores michelle at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 14 09:43:25 MST 2007

Dear colleagues,

we are glad to announce that: 

in the frame of the ECSS 2007 -  the 4th European Conference on Severe Storms,
that will be held in  Trieste, Italy from 10 to 14 September 2007,

the Unione Meteorologica del Friuli Venezia Giulia has decided to
present an award dedicated to the conference Section: 11 - (Theodor T. Fujita session) - 
Movies and pictures of convective severe weather phenomena - 

The economical value of the award is 100 Euro.

Everybody can apply following the guidelines available on the conference web site.

We kindly invite you to get more information. 

More information on the award are available at the conference web site: 


Many thanks for your attention,


the organizers 

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