[Proflist] New atmospheric thermodynamics textbook

Grant W. Petty gpetty at aos.wisc.edu
Thu Dec 6 05:03:02 MST 2007

At the suggestion of a colleague, I'm sending this message to 
proflist at ucar.edu.  If you already received a similar message from me 
directly, my apologies for the duplication.

I'm writing to alert fellow instructors to the publication in early 2008 of 
my new textbook, A First Course in Atmospheric Thermodynamics, which was 
written specifically with undergraduate meteorology majors in mind.

If you expect to teach a course that might benefit from this book, then I 
encourage you to visit the following link for more information and, if 
appropriate, to request a free examination copy using the short form 


   Grant Petty

  Prof. Grant W. Petty
  Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  1225 W. Dayton Street
  University of Wisconsin-Madison
  Madison, WI  53706

  gpetty at aos.wisc.edu
  Tel: (608) 263-3265
  Fax: (608) 262-0166

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