[Proflist] AGU session on Environmental Consequences of Regional Nuclear Conflicts

Alan Robock robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Mon Jul 17 13:13:21 MDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to contribute to our Union session U08 for 
the Fall AGU Meeting, December 11-15, 2006:

Environmental Consequences of Regional Nuclear Conflicts

 	The casualties from the direct effects of blast, radioactivity, 
and fires resulting from the massive use of nuclear weapons by the 
superpowers would be so catastrophic that we avoided such a tragedy for 
the first four decades after the invention of nuclear weapons.  The 
realization that the climatic consequences, and indirect effects of the 
collapse of society, would be so severe that the ensuing nuclear winter 
would produce famine for billions of people far from the target zones, 
was an important factor in the end of the arms race between the United 
States and the Soviet Union.  Now the world faces the prospect of many 
other states developing small nuclear arsenals.  New studies suggest 
that a nuclear conflict using a small number of weapons would have a 
devastating local effect and global climatic consequences.  We invite 
studies of scenarios of atmospheric input of gases and aerosols from the 
fires that would be generated and papers that examine the environmental 
consequences of such a conflict, including climate change, effects on 
stratospheric ozone, changes of precipitation, and impacts on 
agriculture and water supplies.

 	We remind you that AGU allows only one contributed presentation 
at the meeting, and one additional presentation if you have an invited 
talk.  The deadline for submission of presentations is Sept. 7.  Please 
submit your abstract at 

Alan Robock, Brian Toon, Rich Turco, and Gera Stenchikov


Alan Robock
Rutgers University
   E-mail:  robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
   Phone:  732-932-9478

Owen B. Toon
University of Colorado
   E-mail:  toon at lasp.colorado.edu
   Phone:  303-492-1534

Richard P. Turco
University of California, Los Angeles
   E-mail:  turco at atmos.ucla.edu
   Phone:  310-825-6936

Georgiy Stenchikov
Rutgers University
   Email:  gera at envsci.rutgers.edu
   Phone:  732-932-3637

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