[Proflist] FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006 – Early Results and IOP Campaigns

Michelle Flores michelle at ucar.edu
Wed Aug 23 15:38:51 MDT 2006

FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006 – Early Results and IOP Campaigns

Time: November 28 – December 1, 2006

Place: Taipei, Taiwan


The FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC is a joint Taiwan - US mission that provides a 
constellation of six identical micro-satellites with unprecedented 
opportunities for global observations of weather, climate, 
ionosphere/space weather and geodetic research. The FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC 
mission was successfully launched on April 15, 2006 (Taiwan time). Each 
microsatellite carries an advanced GPS receiver (GOX) for radio 
occultation and precision orbit studies, a tri-band beacon (TBB) 
transmitter, which transmits 150, 400, and 1067 MHz radio beacons to 
ground-based receivers for ionospheric tomography and radio wave 
scintillation studies, and a tiny ionosphere photometer (TIP) for 
ionospheric airglow observation in nadir direction (135.6 nm). The 
satellite mission is expected to provide 2,500 radio occultation 
observations on vertical profiles of atmospheric air density, 
temperature, and water vapor as well as ionospheric electron density per 


During the first few months after launch the six micro-satellites will 
stay relatively close to each other in longitude providing dense GPS 
radio occultation soundings and ionosphere observations from TBB and 
TIP. Dense observations provide an excellent opportunity for performing 
cross validation of the Formosat-3/COSMIC data with ground-based, 
airborne and even conventional satellite observations.  NSPO and Taiwan 
science community are in the process of conducting an Intense 
Observation Period (IOP) campaign during May-November, 2006 for both 
atmosphere/weather and ionosphere/space weather studies. Scientists from 
other nations are also encouraged to conduct similar IOP campaigns.


To provide an opportunity for scientists to present and discuss their 
campaign results, impacts of studies and future collaborations on using 
the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data, NSPO will hold an international scientific 
meeting on “FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006 – Early Results and IOP 
Campaigns” to be held in Taipei, Taiwan during November 28-December 1, 
2006.  Scientists worldwide are invited to attend the workshop. 


The participants are invited to submit papers presented at the workshop 
for publication.  The guidelines of the paper submission will be 
announced in the future.


The important dates for the workshop are


Abstract submission deadline: Oct. 31, 2006

Registration deadline: Oct. 31, 2006


The workshop website is http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~ncu5680/workshop/ 
<http://www.ncu.edu.tw/%7Encu5680/workshop/> and the abstract submission 
and registration procedures will be announced at the website.


Local Organizing Committee:

Prof. Ben Chao (National Central University), Co-Chair 

Prof. Ching-Yuang Huang (National Central University), Co-Chair  
Prof. Ching-Liang Tseng (National Cheng-Kung University), Co-Chair

Dr. Ming-Dean Cheng (Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan)

Prof. Yen-Hsyang Chu (National Central University)
Prof. Ben Jou (National Taiwan University)
Dr. Tie-Yue Liu (National Space Organization)


Scientific Program Committee:

Prof. C. Z. Frank Cheng (NSPO and NCKU, Taiwan), Chair

Prof. Ben Chao (National Central University, Taiwan), co-Chair
Dr. Bill Kuo (UCAR, USA), co-Chair
Prof. Ching-Yuang Huang (National Central University, Taiwan), Executive 
Dr. Ming-Dean Cheng (Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan)

Dr. Paul Bernhardt (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)

Prof. George Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Prof. Yen-Hsyang Chu (National Central University, Taiwan)
Dr. Ken Dymond (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)

Dr. Nobert Jakowski (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Germny)

Prof. Ben Jou (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Dr. Chin S. Lin (Air Force Research Laboratory, USA)

Prof. D. Narayana Rao (National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, India)

Prof. Ching-Liang Tseng (National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan)

Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda (Kyoto University, Japan)
Dr. Jens Wickert (GeoForschungsZentrum, Germny)

Prof. Chun-Chieh Wu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Prof. Mamoru Yamamoto (Kyoto University, Japan)


Advisory Committee:

Dr. Rick Anthes (UCAR, USA)

Dr. Jay Fein (NSF, USA)

Prof. Lou-Chuang Lee (NCU, Taiwan)

Dr. Lance Wu (NSPO, Taiwan)

Pro. Chao-Han Liu (Taiwan)

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