[Proflist] Surface hydrology faculty position at Iowa State

William J. Gutowski gutowski at iastate.edu
Thu Sep 15 16:17:40 MDT 2005

Surface hydrology faculty position - Iowa State University

	The Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences at Iowa 
State University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track 
position at the level of Assistant Professor in surface hydrology 
beginning August 16, 2006. We seek candidates with strength in 
process-based studies and/or modeling of surface hydrology or land 
surface-atmosphere interactions at the watershed, regional, or 
continental scale. The successful candidate will be encouraged to 
pursue activities that complement existing areas of water-cycle 
research in geology, hydrology, and meteorology within the department 
and that are consistent with the department's role as a major 
contributor to the interdepartmental graduate and undergraduate 
programs in Environmental Science and the University's membership in 
CUAHSI. We also encourage interactions with researchers and faculty 
in other units on campus, such as Agricultural and Biosystems 
Engineering; Agronomy; Civil, Construction and Environmental 
Engineering; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Natural Resources 
Ecology and Management; the Iowa State Water Resources Research 
Institute; the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture; and the 
National Soil Tilth Laboratory.

	The successful candidate will be expected to develop a 
vigorous research program, supervise graduate students, attract 
external funding, and participate actively in our graduate (M.S. and 
Ph.D.) and undergraduate teaching programs.

	All applications must be submitted electronically at 
www.iastatejobs.com (search vacancy ID# 050637). Please be prepared 
to enter or attach a letter of application,  statement of research 
and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, 
e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers of at least three 
references. Any additional application materials may be mailed to: 
Carl Jacobson, Chair, Department of Geological and Atmospheric 
Sciences, 253 Science I, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3212.

	The Department will begin reviewing applications on November 
18, 2005 and will continue the search until the positions are filled. 
Information about the Department appears at: 
http://www.ge-at.iastate.edu/. Iowa State University is an Equal 
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

  William J. Gutowski                                            
  3021 Agronomy                                                  
  Dept. of Geological and                                        
     Atmospheric Sciences 	gutowski at iastate.edu   
  Dept. of Agronomy		Tel: +1-515-294-5632   
  Iowa State University     	Fax: +1-515-294-2619   
  Ames, Iowa  50011-1010                                         
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