[Proflist] Columbia University's New Masters Program in Environmental Science and Policy

Jordan Hepner jsh2133 at columbia.edu
Mon Oct 24 14:12:32 MDT 2005

Dear Colleagues:

This program may be of interest to you, your colleagues, or your

Columbia University's new one-year Masters Program in Climate Science
and Policy trains professionals and academics to under-stand and manage
climate risk. This rigorous program emphasizes the problems of
developing societies. The program, now in its second year, is expanding
its financial assistance opportunities

Columbia University is among the institutions at the forefront of
research on climate variability, climate change, climate vulnerability
and impacts, and climate risk management. The Masters Program in Climate
Science and Policy builds upon this leadership. Indeed, the
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory, and the Columbia Earth Institute contribute
significantly to the program.  Many students conduct research or enjoy
internships at these institutions.  The Program also draws on
established Columbia resources in the Earth Sciences, Earth Engineering,
Economics International Relations, Public Policy, Regional Studies, and

A unique set of inter-disciplinary core courses have been specially
designed for the program. Topics in these courses include the dynamics
of climate variability and change; climate impacts; climate-sensitive
natural and human systems; managing and adapting to climate change and
climate variability; and policy-making under uncertainty; among others.
At the end of twelve intensive months of study, graduates are prepared
to obtain positions in government, business, nongovernmental
organizations and teaching while others choose to continue their
academic careers in the social or natural sciences.

For more information on the Masters Program in Climate Science and
Policy, please see http://www.columbia.edu/cu/climatesociety/ or contact
climatesociety at ei.columbia.edu.  Applications can be completed on line.
We welcome application from students and mid-career professionals from
all fields.


About the IRI
The International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI), a
unit of the Earth Institute at Columbia, is a unique resource for the
Program in Climate Science and Policy. The core mission of IRI is to
enhance society's ability to understand, anticipate and manage the
impacts of seasonal climate fluctuations, especially in developing
countries. The IRI's work is rooted in climate prediction science, with
a focus on climate-related social and environmental issues. The IRI's
current research locations include Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa,
and South and South East Asia. For more information please see

About the Earth Institute
The Earth Institute at Columbia University is a leading academic center
for the integrated study of Earth, its environment, and society. The
Earth Institute builds upon excellence in core disciplines-earth
sciences, biological sciences, engineering sciences, social sciences and
health sciences-and stresses cross-disciplinary approaches to complex
problems. Through its research training and global partnerships, it
mobilizes science and technology to advance sustainable development,
while placing special emphasis on the needs of the world's poor. For
more information please see http://www.earthinstitute.columbia.edu/.

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