[Proflist] Seeking returned Peace Corps Volunteers

Alan Robock robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
Tue Oct 19 17:38:39 MDT 2004


I will give a talk at the 4th AMS Student Conference the weekend before 
the annual AMS meeting in San Diego in January describing Peace Corps as 
a valuable experience for Meteorology graduates.  I know of a few 
colleagues in our field who are RPCVs, but would like to list more as 
examples for the students.  If you served in the Peace Corps, please let 
me know.  I served in the Philippines, 1970-1972, before going to grad 
school.  I taught teachers how to teach Meteorology in the fishery 
vocational schools.

As you may know, Peace Corps has three goals: 1. Provide technical 
assistance, 2. Teach them about our culture, and 3. Learn about their 
culture.  Most people feel that the third goal is the one that is most 
succesful, in other words the volunteers are changed more by the 
experience than the country they visit, and I will emphasize these 
benefits in my talk.


Professor Alan Robock
   Editor, JGR - Atmospheres
   Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences              Phone: +1-732-932-9478
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at envsci.rutgers.edu
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA      http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~robock

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