[Proflist] Modelling Rapid Magnetic-Field Variations: Post-Doc Opportunity

Jeffrey J Love JLove@usgs.gov
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 09:42:10 -0500

Recent PhDs are invited to apply for a post-doctoral opportunity with the
USGS Geomagnetism Program. The Geomagnetism Program is responsible for the
national array of ground-based magnetic observatories. The subject matter
of the post-doc proposal is a statistical analysis of rapid magnetic-field
variations recorded at ground-based observatories, particularly those field
variations occurring during magnetic storms. The ultimate goal is the
construction of a temporal-geographical map of the variations for
characterization of geomagnetic hazards. This is part of the Bureau's
Mendenhall Post-Doctoral Program. The due date for application is 16
January 2004, and details of the proposal can be found at the Geomagnetism
Program's website:http://geomag.usgs.gov/

Jeffrey J Love

Geomagnetism Group Leader

USGS Golden
Box 25045, MS966, DFC
Denver CO 80225

303-273-8600 FAX
