[Proflist] Three New UCAR Opportunities

Lydia Shiver lydia@cgd.ucar.edu
Mon, 11 Aug 2003 12:59:38 -0600

There are three UCAR recruitment opportunities that we would like to
bring to your attention. If you know of promising candidates, please let
us know and please encourage them to apply at the earliest opportunity.

The first is a recruitment of new scientist I's. The job description is
given at http://www.fin.ucar.edu/hr/careers, under the "Current Open
Positions," job #3210. The recruitment office is accepting applications
until Sept. 15.  We would be particularly interested in attracting
qualified early-career scientists in some of the key areas identified in
the CCSM Strategic Business Plan in Chapter IV. Please note that
sections within the NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) Division are
also soliciting qualified candidates in areas related to
parameterization and modeling of the climate system. We hope to attract
a group of candidates balanced between current core issues for CCSM
(e.g., boundary layer modeling) and candidates interested in new science
directions for the program.

The second is the ongoing NCAR Advanced Study Program (ASP) for
postdoctoral researchers.  This opportunity is described at
http://www.asp.ucar.edu.  The program will accept applications until
January 5, 2004.  We are working closely with the ASP director to ensure
we can bring especially qualified candidates to the attention of the ASP
application reviewers.  This is consistent with the education and
outreach strategy discussed in the CCSM plan.

The third is the NCAR Faculty Fellowships, also organized through the
ASP program.  These fellowships will support visits by faculty and their
students to NCAR for several days to several weeks.  If you know of
junior faculty who are working on CCSM or related science and would like
to participate more actively in its development or scientific
exploitation, please let us know.

Bill Collins
Chair, Scientific Steering Committee
Community Climate System Model (CCSM)