[Nsa] UCAR Remote Sensing Initiative Workshop

Andrew Newman anewman at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 18 11:46:03 MDT 2023

Hi everyone,

This may be of interest to NSA members.

*You are invited to the workshop of the UCAR Remote Sensing Initiative*

Thursday May 11, 2023 <http://airmail.calendar/2023-05-11%2012:00:00%20MDT>
UCAR Center Green 1 Auditorium
Sign up now until May 1, 2023
More information: https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/remote-sensing

The goal of the new UCAR Remote Sensing Initiative is to provide a focal
point for all the satellite remote sensing instrumentation, data and
science activities that we have across our organization. Through this
Initiative, we are developing cross-organization communication, ideas and
coordination, and promoting the integration of satellite data within our
Earth system modeling activities. This will allow us to effectively and
successfully respond to external remote sensing project opportunities, and
by increasing our visibility, to be more often seen and approached as a
potential collaborator. The workshop will be an opportunity to showcase the
work across our different labs and programs with talks, posters and
breakout discussions.

Please register now:


Andrew Newman, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Laboratory/Hydrometeorology Applications Program
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
http://staff.ucar.edu/users/anewman & Google Scholar Profile
ph: 303-497-8456, email: anewman at ucar.edu

*My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel obligated
to reply to this email outside of your normal working hours.*
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