[Nsa] Introducing the CyPRESS Seminar Series and first seminar by Anna del Moral Mendez

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 10 08:00:00 MDT 2022

The *NCAR/UCP* *Postdoc* Lecture Series Committee has a new seminar series
named CyPRESS: Community Postdoctoral Research in Earth System Science. In
this series, NCAR and UCP postdocs present their career-long research and
academic achievements, and future directions to the NCAR, UCP, and broader
communities, opening up avenues for discussion with potential employers and

Please join us for our first joint NCAR EOL/CyPRESS seminar by *Anna del
Moral Mendez *on *Towards Improved Short-Term Forecasting for Lake Victoria
Basin: Exploring HIGHWAY Field Campaign Data. *The seminar will take place
on *October 11 at 3:30pm *in the* NCAR FL1-1022 Large Auditorium *and
on* webcast
<http://operations.ucar.edu/live-eol>. *(If you do not have access to NCAR
facilities, please join us on the webcast since NCAR is currently closed to

Anna is an ASP Postdoctoral fellow at NCAR EOL and RAL. She received her
Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona (Spain) where she worked towards
improving the nowcasting of severe weather in Catalonia. Her research
focuses on improving the knowledge of severe storms through observations
and retrieving better nowcasting products for the operational community to
help in decision-making processes and early warning systems.

Please see the attached flyer for Anna's seminar details.

Please let Danielle Touma (detouma at ucar.edu) or Will Chapman (
wchapman at ucar.edu) know if you have any questions or comments about the
CyPRESS seminar series. We look forward to seeing you there!

Danielle and Will
*On behalf of the NCAR/UCP Postdoc Lecture Series Committee*

Scott Briggs

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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