[Nsa] Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) Mentorship Committee at CU Boulder seeking mentors

Rebecca Haacker rhaacker at ucar.edu
Wed Jan 6 11:25:21 MST 2021

Dear all,

Please see this call for mentors from CU Boulder:

The Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) Mentorship Committee at CU
Boulder is looking to begin a new program for our undergraduate ATOC
Majors. The Undergraduate Mentorship Program seeks to pair undergraduate
ATOC students with a local scientist who could act as an informal,
professional mentor to them, outside of their school and department. The
idea behind this program is that there are a wide variety of career
opportunities out there for our ATOC grads, and picking one can be
overwhelming, especially when one might not even know what some of these
jobs and careers are like! This is a brand new program, and we hope to
connect our students into the professional world where they can learn about
future career opportunities, get professional advice, and make connections
with other scientists. This mentorship is intended to be an informal
relationship between student and mentor. There are no specific time
requirements, other than just meeting (for now, at least, virtually!) with
your mentee however frequently you both decide to discuss the students
career interests, perhaps help them with a resume, etc. If you are
interested in serving as a mentor for this program, please contact Mckenzie
Dice at mcdi3272 at colorado.edu"

Rebecca Haacker

NCAR E&O and the Advanced Study Program

Phone: 303-497-8623, Assistant Diana O. Verschoor: 303-497-1851


1. You are not working from home, you are at home, during a pandemic,
trying to get work done.
2. Your physical, mental, and emotional health is the most important
thing right now.
3. Don't compare your ability to cope with everyone else's.  4. Don't
attempt to compensate for lost productivity by working longer hours.
5. We will get through this.

Boulder County sits upon the traditional territories of the Cheyenne,
Arapaho, and Ute Nations.
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