[Nsa] Interview Notes from NCAR DD Candidates

Andrew Newman anewman at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 14 15:14:28 MDT 2020

Hi everyone,

We were given permission to share our interview notes from the two NCAR
Deputy Director candidates with the full NSA.  You can find the notes from
Michael Hesse's interview here
Lika Guhathakurta's interview here
The questions are in bold black and our notes on the candidate responses
are in blue.  We remind everyone that the interview process is
confidential.  NSA members agree and commit to maintaining confidentiality
of the information received, exchanged and/or reviewed during and following
the selection process.

If you have any feedback or questions feel free to contact any of the NSA-EC
representatives <https://internal-ncar.ucar.edu/nsa/nsa-executive-committee>

Stay well,

Eric Apel (ACOM), apel at ucar.edu
Jimy Dudhia (MMM), dudhia at ucar.edu
Peter Lawrence (CGD), lawrence at ucar.edu
Gunter Leguy (CGD), ECSA Co-Chair, gunterl at ucar.edu
Matthew Long (CGD), Co-Chair, mclong at ucar.edu
Anna Malanushenko (HAO), anny at ucar.edu
Rachel McCrary (CISL), rmccrary at ucar.edu
Andrew Newman (RAL), Co-Chair, anewman at ucar.edu
Peter Sullivan (MMM), pps at ucar.edu
Tammy Weckwerth (EOL), tammy at ucar.edu
Tammy Weckwerth (EOL), tammy at ucar.edu
May Wong (MMM), ECSA Co-Chair, mwong at ucar.edu
Helen Worden (ACOM), hmw at ucar.edu
Britt Stephens (EOL), stephens at ucar.edu
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