[Nsa] NCAR Deputy Director of Science and Strategic Planning Interviews

Andrew Newman anewman at ucar.edu
Wed Jul 8 16:16:23 MDT 2020

Hi everyone,

We still have room if anyone is interested in attending both interviews
this Friday 10 July and next Tuesday 14 July at 11 am.  Please email Andy
Newman at anewman at ucar.edu if you are interested.

Stay well,

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 9:02 AM Andrew Newman <anewman at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Dear NSA members,
> NCAR has been conducting a search for a deputy director of science and
> strategic planning (PD attached).  We have now reached the finalist stage
> and there is an opportunity for the NSA to provide input to the search
> committee on the finalists.  There are two candidates and the NSA will have
> interviews on Friday 10 July and Tuesday 14 July at 11 am both days.  Along
> with the NSA-EC, we are looking for up to an additional 20 interested NSA
> members to attend the interviews.  If you are interested and able to attend
> both interviews, please email Andy Newman (anewman at ucar.edu).  *We will
> take the first 20 to express interest.*
> We also invite everyone to provide feedback on a set of draft interview
> questions before this Thursday (9 July) at noon.  The questions can be
> found here
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t7e-MRff0t-ZlwylKwceFwadkQ9uzF2xTf76GBdPlmM/edit?usp=sharing>
> .
> Sincerely,
> The NSA-EC
> Andy Newman (RAL, co-chair)
> Matt Long (CGD, co-chair)
> Peter Lawerence (CGD)
> Anna Malanushenko (HAO)
> Rachel McCrary (CISL)
> Tammy Weckwerth (EOL)
> Britt Stephens (EOL)
> Eric Apel (ACOM)
> Helen Worden (ACOM)
> Jimy Dudhia (MMM)
> Peter Sullivan (MMM)
> May Wong (MMM, ECSA Co-chair)
> Gunter Leguy (CGD, ECSA Co-chair)

Andrew Newman, Ph.D.
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Laboratory/Hydrometeorology Applications Program
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Google Scholar Profile
ph: 303-497-8456, email: anewman at ucar.edu
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