[Nsa] Final Reminder to Register today: Climate Intervention Strategies Workshop, July 30-31st, 2019

Simone Tilmes tilmes at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 23 08:13:30 MDT 2019

Dear colleague,

This is a final reminder to sign up today for the NCAR / UCAR Climate
Intervention Strategies workshop, July 30-31st, 2019 at Center Green CG-1,
South Auditorium.

Please find information about the purpose of the workshop, a preliminary
agenda, and the registration at this website:
Please only register if you plan to participate in the discussions and
breakout groups. Everyone is welcome to join any of the presentations on
the first day without registration.

We will setup a live webcast for the plenary session, which will be posted
on the website above. If you cannot make it for this workshop, the second
workshop is scheduled for November 7-8th, 2019. More information will

Best regards,

Simone, Peter, Roy, Wojciech, Andreas, Andrea, Doug and Deborah

*Simone Tilmes,*

*Atmospheric  Chemistry, Observations & Modeling LabNational Center for
Atmospheric Research*
* PO Box 3000*
*Boulder, Colorado  80307-3000*

*303-497-1400 (fax) * *tilmes at ucar.edu <tilmes at ucar.edu>*
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