[Nsa] Input to NCAR Director Search Process

Frank Flocke ffl at ucar.edu
Wed Sep 19 11:52:16 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,
The email below was originally sent out last Friday by Andrew but it has since come to out attention that many of you might not have received it. Our apologies if this is a duplicate.

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, NCAR is in the process of searching for a new director. The NCAR Scientists Assembly (NSA) has been invited by the UCAR Director, Tony Busalacchi, to provide input to that process over the next month. Please read on for the plans, and how you can be involved. This will be the major pathway for NCAR scientific staff to provide input to the process. 

The NSA will be given the opportunity to pose questions to the final candidates for the NCAR Director during on-site interviews. These will be conducted by the NSA Executive Committee (EC), which has members from each of the NCAR Laboratories, representing a range of job classes and levels. We will use a common list of questions. After the visit, we will provide input and a collective perspective. 

The NSA EC would like this process to be as open as possible to incorporate as many diverse perspectives as we can. Our plan is to (A) solicit questions through several methods before interviews and (B) Present our notes and impressions of the interviews to the whole NSA to collect feedback. 

We will describe the process in more detail and answer any questions on the NCAR Director search process and the NSA role in it during an information and feedback session: Monday, September 24th, 10a NCAR Mesa Lab main seminar room. 

We will webcast this for other campuses (but not for feedback). 

We will begin the process right now by soliciting suggested interview questions between now and Friday, September 28, 2018. This can be done in 3 ways:

Via a Google Drive Document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mCUYEFiP_Uj1hM33-Ral12hq8kJl6FzjablelY1mzu8/edit?usp=sharing>
Direct Email to an NSA EC Member (see below)
In person at the information session noted above (Monday, September 24th, 10a NCAR Mesa Lab main seminar room)

The document will require a UCAR email address. Please let me know if you cannot access it. Please note that this is the main process for providing input and feedback on the NCAR director search, and we urge you to participate. 

We are happy to take questions, comments or concerns about the process or about specific questions at any time. 



On behalf of the NSA Executive Committee:
Jimy Dudhia (MMM)	 	dudhia at ucar.edu <mailto:dudhia at ucar.edu>
Natasha Flyer (CISL)		flyer at ucar.edu <mailto:flyer at ucar.edu>
Franke Flocke (ACOM)	ffl at ucar.edu <mailto:ffl at ucar.edu>
Andrew Newman (RAL)	anewman at ucar.edu <mailto:anewman at ucar.edu> 
Britton Stephens (EOL)	stephens at ucar.edu <mailto:stephens at ucar.edu>
Rachel McCrary (CISL, ECSA), Co-Chair	rmccrary at ucar.edu <mailto:rmccrary at ucar.edu>
Andrew Gettelman (CGD, ACD), Co-Chair	andrew at ucar.edu <mailto:andrew at ucar.edu>
Rebecca Centeno (HAO)	rce at ucar.edu <mailto:rce at ucar.edu>

Dr. Andrew Gettelman   andrew at ucar.edu <mailto:andrew at ucar.edu>
http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/andrew/ <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/andrew/>  
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