[Nsa] NCAR Director Search Process (Please Comment)

Andrew Gettelman andrew at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 30 08:37:12 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The NCAR Scientists Assembly (NSA) Executive Committee (EC) met with Tony
Busalacchi last week to discuss the NCAR director search process.

There will be a formal role for NCAR Scientific Staff through the NSA in
the process at the point when candidates are interviewed at NCAR. More
details on this in early September.

In the next month, Tony and the search committee are seeking input on
candidates, and the qualities and experience we would like to see in the
NCAR director.

All are urged to watch the town hall where Tony describes the process:


If you have comments on qualities or specific candidates, you can provide
input to the NCAR scientist members of the search committee: Chris Davis (
cdavis at ucar.edu), Rachel McCrary (rmccrary at ucar.edu) and/or Yaga Richter (
jrichter at ucar.edu), or directly to Tony Busalacchi (tonyb at ucar.edu).

You are also welcome to contact any of the NCAR EC members.

You can also submit the names of potential candidates to:
NCAR-Director at wittkieffer.com, or make anonymous comments to Tony at:

Please help make your concerns and voice heard in this process.


Andrew (& the NSA EC)

Dr. Andrew Gettelman   andrew at ucar.edu
National Center For Atmospheric Research
3090 Center Green Drive,
Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA
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