[Nsa] New Access Method for Library Journals

Andrew Gettelman andrew at ucar.edu
Wed Dec 27 13:38:52 MST 2017

The following message is from Mary Marlino at the NCAR Library about
changes to journal subscriptions starting January 1st.


Dear Colleagues,

Starting on January 1, 2018, you will need to log in on the NCAR Library
website using your CIT credentials in order to access library journals. To
avoid access issues, we recommend that you always begin your research using
the links or the search box on the NCAR Library home page to ensure that
you are logged in.

Over the holidays, the NCAR and CU Library teams are working to transition
and significantly expand our online journal subscription service to provide
access to over 6,600 e-journals and over 120,000 e-books held at CU
Boulder. This change is effective January 1, 2018, which coincides with the
start of publishers’ annual subscription period.

Given this reconfiguration of our journal service, we encourage you to
download any full text journal articles you need for the January AMS
meeting or your ongoing research by December 31, 2017 while under our
current system. We want to make sure that you have the articles you need
now, in order to reduce the impact of any temporary disruption in services
and access you may experience during this initial transition period.

Please check the Library website for periodic updates. If you experience
problems downloading full text articles now or after January 1, 2018,
contact us at ncarref at ucar.edu or ext. 1180 for assistance.

>From all of the NCAR Library staff, our best wishes for a happy new year!

Mary Marlino

Dr. Andrew Gettelman   andrew at ucar.edu
National Center For Atmospheric Research
3090 Center Green Drive,
Boulder, Colorado 80301, USA
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