[Nsa] Follow-Up on NSA Discussion on Indirect Rate Calculations

Scott Mcintosh mscott at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 12 14:57:55 MDT 2014

Dear All,

We held our discussion on indirect rate calculations in the Mesa Lab Main
Seminar Room on Tuesday morning. Many thanks to those of you that took the
time out of their schedules to attend.

Please find attached a PDF document of the slides on the topic that were
presented by Rena Brasher-Alleva, Justin Young, and Geoff Cheeseman. A
recording of the presentation can be found at the following URL:

If you have questions on the materials then please respond to Andrew (
andrew at ucar.edu) and myself (mscott at ucar.edu). Our goal would be to collect
those questions, look for commonalities, pose them to Rena, Justin and
Geoff and report back to you in a timely fashion. Please submit those
questions, should you have any, by COB 6/20/2014.

Naturally, we would like to acknowledge Rena, Justin and Geoff for putting
the (considerable) effort into these materials and coming to discuss them
with us. Further, thanks to Paul Martinez for making the recording
available to us.

Finally, we would ask that you treat these materials with appropriate

​Scott & Andrew ​[NSA Co-Chairs]

*Scott W. McIntosh*
*High Altitude Observatory*
* Scientist III / Section Head (**Space Weather & Solar Transients)*

Email:  *mscott at ucar.edu <mscott at ucar.edu>*
*Web:  *people.hao.ucar.edu/mscott
*Office:  (303) 497-1544 <%28303%29%20497-1544>*
*Mobile: (720) 340-6263 <%28720%29%20340-6263>*
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