[Nsa] Panel Discussion Tomorrow: Talking with Reporters, 10AM, FL2 Main Auditorium

Simone Tilmes tilmes at ucar.edu
Wed Apr 10 15:20:26 MDT 2013

Dear everyone,

this is a reminder for tomorrows panel discussion on:

Talking with Reporters

with David Hosansky from NCAR & UCAR Communications,
Charlie Brennan from the Boulder Daily Camera,
and Lesley McClurg, Colorado Public Radio.

Thursday, April 11, 10:00-11:00 a.m.
FL2 Main Auditorium

If you cannot attend in person:
Live webcast: http://www.fin.ucar.edu/it/mms/fl-live.htm
Dial in to ask questions: 866-740-1260 (access code: 1571565)

Hope you can make it!

Simone Tilmes

ECSA Chairperson

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