[Nsa] NSA Assembly, April 16, 3-5pm, CG1-1212 Center Auditorium

Simone Tilmes tilmes at ucar.edu
Wed Mar 21 11:44:45 MDT 2012


you are invited to our next general NSA assembly on April 16, 3-5pm, 
CG1-1212 Center Auditorium. Refreshments will be served before the 
meeting at 2.30pm.

* Welcome
* Introduction of NSA EC & ISAC members
* Introduction of the new NCAR Science Advisor
* Roger Wakimoto about the roles of NSA & ISAC
* Survey results regarding new NSF salary support rules & discussion thereof
* Tom Bogdan on his view how NCAR's role within community is evolving

Hope you can make it,

Best regards,

Simone Tilmes and Matthias Steiner

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