[Nsa] NSA meeting, today 3-5pm, CG1-1212

Simone Tilmes tilmes at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 16 08:44:39 MDT 2012

Dear NSA scientists,

this is a reminder for today's NSA general meeting. We hope you can make 
it and take part in the discussion about issues that are important to 
all of us,

See you there,

Simone and Matthias
NSA co-chairs

DATE & TIME: April 16, 2:30-3:00pm refreshments; meeting 3-5pm
LOCATION: CG1-1212 Center Auditorium


  * Welcome
  * Introduction of NSA Executive Committee & ISAC members
  * Introduction of the new NCAR Science Advisor
  * Roger Wakimoto about the roles of NSA & ISAC
  * Survey results regarding new NSF salary support rules and discussion 
  * Tom Bogdan on his view how NCAR's role within community is evolving

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