[Nsa] Email to NSA on LT Funding Subcommittee

ottobli at ucar.edu ottobli at ucar.edu
Sun Oct 9 10:40:15 MDT 2011

Dear NSA Colleagues,

As many of you are aware, there is currently a moratorium on hiring of
ladder-track scientists. Roger Wakimoto has appointed a small subcommittee
to start discussing:

•	What has to be done to lift the scientist-hiring moratorium in a way
that is consistent with our institutional values, institutional needs,
commitments to scientific staff (including valuing our staff), and
budgetary constraints?

•	What changes in our policies or practices would be desirable to
accomplish this in the current NCAR environment?

As your representative on this subcommittee, I want to assure you that the
staff will be fully involved in discussion of options that become
proposed.  Please feel free to stop by my office (ML 113B), call me
(x1723) or email me (ottobli at ucar.edu) with your thoughts and concerns.

Best regards,

Bette Otto-Bliesner
NSA Science Advisor

Bette L. Otto-Bliesner
Senior Scientist

National Center for Atmospheric Research
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, Colorado 80305
Ph:  303-497-1723
Fax: 303-497-1348
Email: ottobli at ucar.edu
Web page: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/ottobli

Co-Chair, IGBP PAGES Past Global Changes
PAGES web page: http://www.pages-igbp.org/

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