[Nsa] Fwd: Senior Scientist Presentations and Celebration

Rolando Garcia rgarcia at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 22 13:26:24 MDT 2008

Hi folks,

I am passing along the following message from Barb Petruzzi regarding a 
get together to meet
and celebrate the new ESSL SS appointees.  I do not have an ESSL-only 
option on the NSA mailing
list, so please ignore the message if you do not feel it pertains to 
you. (But feel free to
come and join the party otherwise).  RSVP to Barb Petruzzi.



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Barb Petruzzi <petruzzi at ucar.edu>
> Date: July 22, 2008 9:28:01 AM MDT
> To: Rolando Garcia <rgarcia at ucar.edu>
> Subject: Senior Scientist Presentations and Celebration
>  Dear Rolando,
>  Here is what was sent to everyone in ESSL, along with Eric and Rick - 
> I now have the titles, which I have included here. If you can help 
> with this, it would be greatly appreciated. They can respond by 
> Tuesday, 29 July - I think that will give me enough time to order 
> everything (including good wine)....
>  b.
>  ***************************************************************
>  Dear All,
>  We are happy, again this year, to celebrate two new ESSL Senior 
> Scientists, as well as one new EOL Senior Scientist, (who was part of 
> ESSL/ACD prior).
>  Please join us on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 in the Foothills 
> Laboratory Auditorium (FL2, 1022) beginning at 3:00 to hear 
> presentations from:
>  Yuhong Fan - "Understanding the magnetic nature of coronal mass 
> ejections"
>  Steve Tomcyzk - "Waves in the solar corona"
>  Alan Fried  - "The influence of convection on the chemical 
> composition of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Current 
> scientific issues and a proposed future field campaign"
>  After the presentations, at 4:00, we will move to the FL cafeteria 
> atrium for the party. We will post the titles and abstracts on the 
> ESSL website soon.
>  Can you please RSVP to me by Tuesday, 29 July?
>  Thank you, and I hope you all can come and help us celebrate this 
> wonderful achievement.
>  Barb
> -- 
> Barb Petruzzi
> Executive Assistant to
> Dr. Guy P. Brasseur, NCAR Associate Director
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> Director, Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory
> P.O. Box 3000
> Boulder, Colorado 80307 USA
> Voice: +1-303-497-1602
> Fax: +1-303-497-8100
> email: petruzzi at ucar.edu
> Web: www.essl.ucar.edu
Rolando R Garcia
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
rgarcia at ucar.edu
(303) 497-1446
(303) 497-1400 (fax)

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