[Nsa] NSA meeting with UCAR URC, Oct. 11 -- REMINDER

Rolando Garcia rgarcia at ucar.edu
Mon Oct 8 17:45:26 MDT 2007

Dear NSA members,

Just a reminder of the URC/NSA meeting on October 11.  I hope you will 
be able
to attend.  The URC's chair, Dr. Kerry Cook, has personally expressed 
her wish
to be able to explain to the staff the rationale for the proposal 
review process
and the criteria for submitting outside proposals.



Dear Colleagues,

At the URC's spring meeting this year, UCAR's University Relations 
Committee (URC), with NSF
concurrence, approved a revised set of criteria for submitting NCAR, 
UOP and E&O non-core
proposals, as well as revised procedures for the URC Subcommittee on 
Proposal Review.  At that
time, URC members also suggested that the committee and the NCAR and 
UOP scientific staff would
benefit from a joint conversation about the revised criteria, and about 
the overall proposal
review process.

The URC has requested that we take advantage of their presence in 
Boulder for the annual UCAR
Members' Meeting and fall URC meeting to schedule this informational 
session.  Thus, we are
scheduling an all-NSA meeting with the URC on:

	October 11
	CG Auditorium

Please note that the time is not flexible, as it is dictated by the 
schedule of the forthcoming
Annual Meeting. Nevertheless, I hope that all of you who have an 
interest in the procedure for
submitting outside proposals and in better understanding the reasons 
and intent of the proposal
review will find the time to attend.

Some background on the URC Committee is posted at:

For details on the updated proposal procedures see:

The procedures followed by the URC Subcommittee on proposal review can 
be found at:

If you have any questions about the meeting, please feel free to 
contact me or your divisional
NSA representative.

Rolando Garcia
Chair, NSA Exec Committee


Rolando R Garcia
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
rgarcia at ucar.edu
(303) 497-1446
(303) 497-1400 (fax)

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