Kathleen Barney leeney at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 3 14:42:46 MST 2005

Dear Colleague:

The executive committee of the NCAR Scientists' Assembly (NSA) has scheduled an

                                 NSA GENERAL MEETING
                                 NOVEMBER 11, FRIDAY, 2-4 PM
                                 MESA LAB, MAIN SEMINAR ROOM

to discuss various issues of current and future interest for NCAR as an
institution,and for NCAR science and facilities.

The agenda is as follows:

2:00-2:30:  NCAR director Dr. Tim Killeen will address the NSA on the
topics of future budgets, status of the strategic plan, classified research,
and the future of NCAR computing, with emphasis on the proposed
"Data Center" project.

2:30-3:00:  questions and discussion

3:00-3:30:  Dr. Rich Loft, SCD Deputy Director of R&D, will discuss
NCAR's plans to respond to the NSF's $30M solicitation for a
high-performance computing system(see pims_id=13649&org=OCI&from=home)
http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp .

3:30-4:00:  questions and discussion


Rolando R Garcia
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
rgarcia at ucar.edu
(303) 497-1446
(303) 497-1400 (fax)

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