[Nsa] Data Center meetings

Rolando Garcia rgarcia at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 15 14:05:31 MST 2005

Dear colleagues,

For those of you who missed the notice in the UCAR Daily Announcements 
UCAR Calendar today, meetings on the Data Center project are (were) 

Thursday, dec. 15, 10am CG center auditorium

Thursday, dec. 15,  11:30am FL auditorium (1022)

Friday, dec. 16, 12:30pm, ML/Main seminar room

The first two have already been held, but if you missed those you still 
have the
opportunity of attending tomorrow's presentation at the ML main seminar 

R. Garcia
co-chair, NSA Executive Committee

Rolando R Garcia
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
rgarcia at ucar.edu
(303) 497-1446
(303) 497-1400 (fax)

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