begin filenames=(/"BG-1pctCO2","+3.2 K, high sliding", "+3.2 K, no isostasy","+3.2 K","+3.8 K, high sliding", "+3.8 K, no isostasy","+3.8 K"/) filelist=systemfunc("ls ./data/scalars_runs_sensitivity/*e21.B1850G.f09_g17_gl4.CMIP6*") nfiles=dimsizes(filelist) ;print(nfiles) ;read first all times fall=addfiles(filelist,"r") tmin=min(fall[:]->times) tmax=max(fall[:]->times) time=ispan(0,tmax,1) nt=dimsizes(time) ;print(nt) ;now read all the variables area=new((/nfiles,nt/),double) areapct=new((/nfiles,nt/),double) volGt=new((/nfiles,nt/),double) volSLE=new((/nfiles,nt/),double) SLR=new((/nfiles,nt/),double) SMBf=new((/2*nfiles,nt/),double) BMBf=new((/2*nfiles,nt/),double) Cf=new((/2*nfiles,nt/),double) MBf=new((/2*nfiles,nt/),double) do f=0,nfiles-1 timecheck=fall[f]->times dimtimecheck=dimsizes(timecheck) do t=1,dimtimecheck-1 if(timecheck(t-1) .eq. timecheck(t)) then print("PROBLEM: TIMES ARE NON-MONOTONIC") print("Casename: +"+filenames(f)) print("Year "+timecheck(t-1)+" repeated twice") end if end do delete(timecheck) delete(dimtimecheck) end do do f=0,nfiles-1 t0=min(fall[f]->times) t1=max(fall[f]->times) if(f .eq. 0) then bgt0=t0 bgt1=t1 end if print("Simulation "+filenames(f)+": starting at time "+t0) y0=t0-t0 y1=t1-t0 ;print(t0) ;print(t1) ;print(y0) ;print(y1) if(f .ge. 1) then SMBf(f,bgt0:t0)=SMBf(0,bgt0:t0) MBf(f,bgt0:t0)=MBf(0,bgt0:t0) Cf(f,bgt0:t0)=Cf(0,bgt0:t0) end if area(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->area(y0+1:y1-1) volGt(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->volGt(y0+1:y1-1) volSLE(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->volSLE(y0+1:y1-1) SMBf(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->SMBf(y0+1:y1-1) BMBf(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->BMBf(y0+1:y1-1) Cf(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->Cf(y0+1:y1-1) MBf(f,t0+1:t1-1)=fall[f]->MBf(y0+1:y1-1) do t=t0+1,t1-1 if(SMBf(f,t) .eq. 0 .or. ismissing(SMBf(f,t))) then SMBf(f,t) = SMBf(f,t+1) end if if(BMBf(f,t) .eq. 0) then BMBf(f,t) = BMBf(f,t+1) end if if(MBf(f,t) .eq. 0) then MBf(f,t) = MBf(f,t+1) end if if(Cf(f,t) .eq. 0) then Cf(f,t) = Cf(f,t+1) end if end do delete(t0) delete(t1) delete(y0) delete(y1) end do volGt=where(volGt .gt. 0.,volGt,volGt@_FillValue) volSLE=where(volGt .gt. 0.,volSLE,volGt@_FillValue) ;area=where(area .gt. 0., area,area@_FillValue) SMBf=where(SMBf .ne. 0.,SMBf,SMBf@_FillValue) MBf=where(MBf .ne. 0.,MBf,MBf@_FillValue) BMBf=where(BMBf .ne. 0.,BMBf,BMBf@_FillValue) Cf=where(Cf .ne. 0.,Cf,Cf@_FillValue) areapct=area/(area(0,2))*100. SLR=3.2347184506371*1.e15*917.*1.e-15/361.-volSLE SLR=where(volSLE .gt. 0.,SLR,SLR@_FillValue) forcinglength=(/20,23,23,23,23,23,23/) do f=nfiles,2*nfiles-1 SMBf(f,:)=runave(SMBf(f-nfiles,:),forcinglength(f-nfiles),0) BMBf(f,:)=runave(BMBf(f-nfiles,:),forcinglength(f-nfiles),0) Cf(f,:)=runave(Cf(f-nfiles,:),forcinglength(f-nfiles),0) MBf(f,:)=runave(MBf(f-nfiles,:),forcinglength(f-nfiles),0) end do ;let's plot area/volume/SMB/BMB/Cf/MB wtype = "png" wtype@wkWidth = 2000 wtype@wkHeight = 4000 plotname="./result/timeseries.sensitivity.long" wks = gsn_open_wks(wtype,plotname) plot=new(5,graphic) minx=500 maxx=40000 ;20000 ;40000 majorlab = ispan(0,maxx,5000) minorlab = ispan(0,maxx,1000) thin=1.5 medium=3 thick=6 linethick = (/thin,medium,thick,thin,medium,thick/) dashpattern=(/0,15,0,0,15,0/) linecolor = (/"darkgreen","darkgreen","darkgreen","orange3","orange3","orange3"/) linethick1=linethick linecolor1=linecolor dashpattern1=dashpattern ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;FIRST plot: VOLUME ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;left Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4a = True res4a@gsnDraw = False res4a@gsnFrame = False res4a@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4a@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4a@xyLineThicknesses = linethick1 res4a@xyLineColors = linecolor1 res4a@xyDashPatterns = dashpattern1 ;X/Y axes: res4a@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4a@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmYLLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmYUseLeft = True res4a@tmXUseBottom = False res4a@tmXBOn = False res4a@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4a@tmXTOn = True res4a@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYLOn = True res4a@tmYLLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYROn = False res4a@tmYRLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLBorderOn = True res4a@tmYRBorderOn = False res4a@tmXBBorderOn = False res4a@tmXTBorderOn = True res4a@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4a@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiXAxisSide = "Top" res4a@tiYAxisString = "GrIS volume (M Gt)" res4a@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiYAxisSide = "Left" res4a@trXMinF = minx res4a@trXMaxF = maxx ymin=0. ymax=3. res4a@trYMinF = ymin-(ymax-ymin)*10./100. res4a@trYMaxF = ymax+(ymax-ymin)*0./100. res4a@tmYLMode = "Explicit" res4a@tmYLValues = fspan(0,3,4) res4a@tmYLLabels = res4a@tmYLValues res4a@tmYLMinorValues = fspan(0,3,7) res4a@tmXTMode = "Explicit" ; explicit labels res4a@tmXTValues = majorlab res4a@tmXTLabels = majorlab/1000. ; make strings res4a@tmXTMinorValues = minorlab ;---For higher quality large images res4a@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmYLMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. ;right Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4b = True res4b@gsnDraw = False res4b@gsnFrame = False res4b@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4b@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4b@xyLineThicknesses = res4a@xyLineThicknesses res4b@xyLineColors = res4a@xyLineColors res4b@xyDashPatterns = res4a@xyDashPatterns ;X/Y axes: res4b@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4b@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmYRLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmYUseLeft = False res4b@tmXUseBottom = False res4b@tmXBOn = False res4b@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4b@tmXTOn = True res4b@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLOn = False res4b@tmYLLabelsOn = False res4b@tmYROn = True res4b@tmYRLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLBorderOn = False res4b@tmYRBorderOn = True res4b@tmXBBorderOn = False res4b@tmXTBorderOn = True res4b@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4b@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiXAxisSide = "Top" res4b@tiYAxisString = "m SLE" res4b@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiYAxisSide = "Right" res4b@trXMinF = res4a@trXMinF res4b@trXMaxF = res4a@trXMaxF res4b@trYMinF = res4a@trYMinF*1.e6/1.e3/361 res4b@trYMaxF = res4a@trYMaxF*1.e6/1.e3/361 res4b@tmYRMode = "Explicit" res4b@tmYRValues = fspan(0,8,5) res4b@tmYRLabels = res4b@tmYRValues res4b@tmYRMinorValues = fspan(0,8,9) ;res4b@tmYMajorGrid = True ; Turn on grid lines ;res4b@tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern = 2 ; Dashed lines ;res4b@tmYMajorGridThicknessF = 1. ;---For higher quality large images res4b@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmYRMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,time,volGt(1:,:),volSLE(1:,:),res4a,res4b) delete(res4a) delete(res4b) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Third plot: AREA ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;left Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4a = True res4a@gsnDraw = False res4a@gsnFrame = False res4a@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4a@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4a@xyLineThicknesses = linethick1 res4a@xyLineColors = linecolor1 res4a@xyDashPatterns = dashpattern1 ;X/Y axes: res4a@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4a@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmYLLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmYUseLeft = True res4a@tmXUseBottom = False res4a@tmXBOn = False res4a@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4a@tmXTOn = True res4a@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYLOn = True res4a@tmYLLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYROn = False res4a@tmYRLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLBorderOn = True res4a@tmYRBorderOn = False res4a@tmXBBorderOn = False res4a@tmXTBorderOn = True res4a@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4a@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiXAxisSide = "Top" res4a@tiYAxisString = "GrIS area (Mkm~S~2~N~)" res4a@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiYAxisSide = "Left" res4a@trXMinF = minx res4a@trXMaxF = maxx ymin=0. ymax=2. res4a@trYMinF = ymin-(ymax-ymin)*0./100. res4a@trYMaxF = ymax+(ymax-ymin)*10./100. res4a@tmYLMode = "Explicit" res4a@tmYLValues = fspan(0,2,3) res4a@tmYLLabels = res4a@tmYLValues res4a@tmYLMinorValues = fspan(0,2,5) res4a@tmXTMode = "Explicit" ; explicit labels res4a@tmXTValues = majorlab res4a@tmXTLabels = majorlab/1000. ; make strings res4a@tmXTMinorValues = minorlab ;---For higher quality large images res4a@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmYLMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. ;right Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4b = True res4b@gsnDraw = False res4b@gsnFrame = False res4b@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4b@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4b@xyLineThicknesses = res4a@xyLineThicknesses res4b@xyLineColors = res4a@xyLineColors res4b@xyDashPatterns = res4a@xyDashPatterns ;X/Y axes: res4b@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4b@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmYRLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmYUseLeft = False res4b@tmXUseBottom = False res4b@tmXBOn = False res4b@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4b@tmXTOn = True res4b@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLOn = False res4b@tmYLLabelsOn = False res4b@tmYROn = True res4b@tmYRLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLBorderOn = False res4b@tmYRBorderOn = True res4b@tmXBBorderOn = False res4b@tmXTBorderOn = True res4b@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4b@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiXAxisSide = "Top" res4b@tiYAxisString = "GrIS area (%)" res4b@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiYAxisSide = "Right" res4b@trXMinF = res4a@trXMinF res4b@trXMaxF = res4a@trXMaxF res4b@trYMinF = res4a@trYMinF/(area(0,2))*100. res4b@trYMaxF = res4a@trYMaxF/(area(0,2))*100. res4b@tmYRMode = "Explicit" res4b@tmYRValues = fspan(0,100,6) res4b@tmYRLabels = res4b@tmYRValues res4b@tmYRMinorValues = fspan(0,100,11) ;---For higher quality large images res4b@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmYRMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. plot(1) = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,time,area(1:,:),areapct(1:,:),res4a,res4b) delete(res4a) delete(res4b) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Fourth plot: SMB ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;left Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4a = True res4a@gsnDraw = False res4a@gsnFrame = False res4a@vpWidthF = 0.7 res4a@vpHeightF = 0.4 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4a@xyLineThicknesses = linethick res4a@xyLineColors = linecolor res4a@xyDashPatterns = dashpattern ;X/Y axes: res4a@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4a@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmYLLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmYUseLeft = True res4a@tmXUseBottom = True res4a@tmXBOn = True res4a@tmXBLabelsOn = True res4a@tmXTOn = False res4a@tmXTLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLOn = True res4a@tmYLLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYROn = False res4a@tmYRLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLBorderOn = True res4a@tmYRBorderOn = True res4a@tmXBBorderOn = True res4a@tmXTBorderOn = True res4a@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4a@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4a@tiYAxisString = "SMB" res4a@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiYAxisSide = "Left" res4a@trXMinF = minx res4a@trXMaxF = maxx ymin=-500 ymax=300 res4a@trYMinF = ymin-(ymax-ymin)*11./100. res4a@trYMaxF = ymax+(ymax-ymin)*11./100. res4a@tmYLMode = "Explicit" res4a@tmYLValues = ispan(-500,300,100) res4a@tmYLLabels = res4a@tmYLValues res4a@tmYLMinorValues = ispan(-500,300,50) res4a@gsnYRefLine = 0 res4a@gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 2. res4a@gsnYRefLineColor = "black" ;---For higher quality large images res4a@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmYLMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. ;right Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4b = True res4b@gsnDraw = False res4b@gsnFrame = False res4b@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4b@vpHeightF = 0.4 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4b@xyLineThicknesses = res4a@xyLineThicknesses res4b@xyLineColors = res4a@xyLineColors res4b@xyDashPatterns = res4a@xyDashPatterns ;X/Y axes: res4b@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4b@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmYRLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmYUseLeft = False res4b@tmXUseBottom = False res4b@tmXBOn = False res4b@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4b@tmXTOn = True res4b@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLOn = False res4b@tmYLLabelsOn = False res4b@tmYROn = True res4b@tmYRLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLBorderOn = False res4b@tmYRBorderOn = True res4b@tmXBBorderOn = False res4b@tmXTBorderOn = True res4b@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4b@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4b@tiYAxisString = "mm/yr" res4b@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiYAxisSide = "Right" res4b@trXMinF = res4a@trXMinF res4b@trXMaxF = res4a@trXMaxF res4b@trYMinF = res4a@trYMinF/361. res4b@trYMaxF = res4a@trYMaxF/361. res4b@tmYRMode = "Explicit" res4b@tmYRValues = ispan(-14,8,2)/10. res4b@tmYRLabels = res4b@tmYRValues res4b@tmYRMinorValues = ispan(-14,8,1)/10. ;---For higher quality large images res4b@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmYRMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. plot(2) = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,time,SMBf(nfiles+1:,:),SMBf(nfiles+1:,:)/361.,res4a,res4b) delete(res4a) delete(res4b) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Fifth plot: Calving ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;left Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4a = True res4a@gsnDraw = False res4a@gsnFrame = False res4a@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4a@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4a@xyLineThicknesses = linethick res4a@xyLineColors = linecolor res4a@xyDashPatterns = dashpattern ;X/Y axes: res4a@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4a@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmYLLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmYUseLeft = True res4a@tmXUseBottom = True res4a@tmXBOn = True res4a@tmXBLabelsOn = True res4a@tmXTOn = False res4a@tmXTLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLOn = True res4a@tmYLLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYROn = False res4a@tmYRLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLBorderOn = True res4a@tmYRBorderOn = True res4a@tmXBBorderOn = True res4a@tmXTBorderOn = True res4a@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4a@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4a@tiYAxisString = "Ice discharge (Gt/yr)" res4a@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiYAxisSide = "Left" res4a@trXMinF = minx res4a@trXMaxF = maxx ymin=-400 ymax=0 res4a@trYMinF = ymin-(ymax-ymin)*12./100. res4a@trYMaxF = ymax+(ymax-ymin)*12./100. res4a@tmYLMode = "Explicit" res4a@tmYLValues = ispan(-400,0,100) res4a@tmYLLabels = res4a@tmYLValues res4a@tmYLMinorValues = ispan(-400,0,50) res4a@gsnYRefLine = 0 res4a@gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 2. res4a@gsnYRefLineColor = "black" ;---For higher quality large images res4a@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmYLMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. ;right Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4b = True res4b@gsnDraw = False res4b@gsnFrame = False res4b@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4b@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4b@xyLineThicknesses = res4a@xyLineThicknesses res4b@xyLineColors = res4a@xyLineColors res4b@xyDashPatterns = res4a@xyDashPatterns ;X/Y axes: res4b@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4b@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmYRLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmYUseLeft = False res4b@tmXUseBottom = False res4b@tmXBOn = False res4b@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4b@tmXTOn = True res4b@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLOn = False res4b@tmYLLabelsOn = False res4b@tmYROn = True res4b@tmYRLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLBorderOn = False res4b@tmYRBorderOn = True res4b@tmXBBorderOn = False res4b@tmXTBorderOn = True res4b@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4b@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4b@tiYAxisString = "mm/yr" res4b@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiYAxisSide = "Right" res4b@trXMinF = res4a@trXMinF res4b@trXMaxF = res4a@trXMaxF res4b@trYMinF = res4a@trYMinF/361. res4b@trYMaxF = res4a@trYMaxF/361. res4b@tmYRMode = "Explicit" res4b@tmYRValues = ispan(-12,0,2)/10. res4b@tmYRLabels = res4b@tmYRValues res4b@tmYRMinorValues = ispan(-12,0,1)/10. ;---For higher quality large images res4b@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmYRMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. plot(3) = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,time,Cf(nfiles+1:,:),Cf(nfiles+1:,:)/361.,res4a,res4b) delete(res4a) delete(res4b) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;Seventh plot: Mass balance ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;left Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4a = True res4a@gsnDraw = False res4a@gsnFrame = False res4a@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4a@vpHeightF = 0.4 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4a@xyLineThicknesses = linethick res4a@xyLineColors = linecolor res4a@xyDashPatterns = dashpattern ;X/Y axes: res4a@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4a@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmYLLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4a@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4a@tmYUseLeft = True res4a@tmXUseBottom = True res4a@tmXBOn = True res4a@tmXBLabelsOn = True res4a@tmXTOn = False res4a@tmXTLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLOn = True res4a@tmYLLabelsOn = True res4a@tmYROn = False res4a@tmYRLabelsOn = False res4a@tmYLBorderOn = True res4a@tmYRBorderOn = True res4a@tmXBBorderOn = True res4a@tmXTBorderOn = True res4a@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4a@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4a@tiYAxisString = "Mass balance" res4a@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4a@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4a@tiYAxisSide = "Left" res4a@trXMinF = minx res4a@trXMaxF = maxx ymin=-600 ymax=100 res4a@trYMinF = ymin-(ymax-ymin)*0./100. res4a@trYMaxF = ymax+(ymax-ymin)*11./100. res4a@tmYLMode = "Explicit" res4a@tmYLValues = ispan(-600,100,100) res4a@tmYLLabels = res4a@tmYLValues res4a@tmYLMinorValues = ispan(-600,100,50) res4a@tmXBMode = "Explicit" ; explicit labels res4a@tmXBValues = majorlab res4a@tmXBLabels = majorlab/1000. ; make strings res4a@tmXBMinorValues = minorlab res4a@tmGridDrawOrder = "PreDraw" res4a@xyCurveDrawOrder = "PreDraw" res4a@gsnYRefLine = 0 res4a@gsnYRefLineThicknessF = 2. res4a@gsnYRefLineColor = "black" ;---For higher quality large images res4a@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXBMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXBMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmXBLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmYLMajorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLMinorThicknessF = 4. res4a@tmYLLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4a@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. ;right Y axis ;do not plot, panel size res4b = True res4b@gsnDraw = False res4b@gsnFrame = False res4b@vpWidthF = 0.70 res4b@vpHeightF = 0.175 ;line thickness, color, pattern res4b@xyLineThicknesses = res4a@xyLineThicknesses res4b@xyLineColors = res4a@xyLineColors res4b@xyDashPatterns = res4a@xyDashPatterns ;X/Y axes: res4b@tmEqualizeXYSizes = True res4b@tmYRLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmYRLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; resize tick labels res4b@tmXTLabelFontColor = "black" res4b@tmYUseLeft = False res4b@tmXUseBottom = False res4b@tmXBOn = False res4b@tmXBLabelsOn = False res4b@tmXTOn = True res4b@tmXTLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLOn = False res4b@tmYLLabelsOn = False res4b@tmYROn = True res4b@tmYRLabelsOn = True res4b@tmYLBorderOn = False res4b@tmYRBorderOn = True res4b@tmXBBorderOn = False res4b@tmXTBorderOn = True res4b@tiXAxisString = "Simulation time (kyr)" res4b@tiXAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiXAxisSide = "Bottom" res4b@tiYAxisString = "mm/yr" res4b@tiYAxisFontColor = "black" res4b@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.015 res4b@tiYAxisSide = "Right" res4b@trXMinF = res4a@trXMinF res4b@trXMaxF = res4a@trXMaxF res4b@trYMinF = res4a@trYMinF/361. res4b@trYMaxF = res4a@trYMaxF/361. res4b@tmYRMode = "Explicit" res4b@tmYRValues = ispan(-15,3,3)/10. res4b@tmYRLabels = res4b@tmYRValues res4b@tmYRMinorValues = fspan(-1.5,0.3,19) ;---For higher quality large images res4b@tiYAxisFontThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmXTLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmYRMajorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRMinorThicknessF = 4. res4b@tmYRLabelFontThicknessF= 4. res4b@tmBorderThicknessF = 4. plot(4) = gsn_csm_xy2(wks,time,MBf(nfiles+1:,:),MBf(nfiles+1:,:)/361.,res4a,res4b) ;******************************* ;LEGEND ;******************************* ;first add a white box x0=20000 x1=40000 x2=40000 x3=20000 y0=-2800 y1=-3800 y2=-800 y3=-800 x=(/x0,x1,x2,x3/) y=(/y0,y1,y2,y3/) pgres=True pgres@gsFillColor="White" pgres@tfPolyDrawOrder = "Postdraw" pgres@gsFillOpacityF=1.0 box=gsn_add_polygon(wks,plot(4),x,y,pgres) ;now add line and text res_text = True ; text mods desired res_text@txFontHeightF = 0.014 ; change text size res_text@txJust = "CenterLeft" ; text justification res_text@txPerimOn = False res_text@txBackgroundFillColor = "White" line=new(nfiles,graphic) text=new(nfiles,graphic) do i=1,nfiles-1 res_line1 = True res_line1@gsLineColor = linecolor1(i-1) res_line1@gsLineThicknessF = linethick1(i-1) res_line1@gsLineDashPattern = dashpattern1(i-1) xl1 = (/23000,26000/) yl1 = (/-550+70*(i-1),-550+70*(i-1)/) line(i) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(4),xl1,yl1,res_line1) ; add polyline text(i) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(4),(filenames(i))+" run",xl1(1)+1000,yl1(1),res_text); add text end do delete(res4a) ;******************************* ;ATTACH PLOTS ;******************************* resA = True resA@gsnAttachPlotsXAxis = True ;resA@gsnAttachBorderOn = True resB = True resB@gsnAttachPlotsXAxis = True ;resB@gsnAttachBorderOn = True attach= gsn_attach_plots(plot(0),plot(1:4),resA,resB) pres = False maximize_output(wks,pres) system("convert -density 300 "+plotname+".png -trim +repage "+plotname+".png") end