begin ;------ Data dirasc = "./" filasc = systemfunc("cd "+dirasc+" ; ls 2015*.txt") pthasc = dirasc+filasc nfil = dimsizes(filasc) ;------- Read multiple files do j = 0, nfil-1 ;----- Read the values in as 1D array of strings datas := asciiread(pthasc(j),-1,"string") nline = dimsizes(datas) ;print("nline="+nline) ; NCL code is confusing the - delimeter with a minus sign ; Change delimeter embedded with yyyy-mm-dd to yyyy mm dd ; There may be better ways but (1) converting string to character ; (2) converting - character to : character ; (3) change : character to : string datac := tochar(datas) ; (nline,:) datac(:,4) = tochar(":") datac(:,7) = tochar(":") datac(:,10) = tochar(":") datas = tostring(datac) ; overwrite original ;print(datas) delim = ":" nfld = str_fields_count(datas(0), delim) ; look at 1st line only ;print("nfld="+nfld) yyyy := toint(str_get_field(datas, 1, delim) ) mm := toint(str_get_field(datas, 2, delim) ) dd := toint(str_get_field(datas, 3, delim) ) hh := toint(str_get_field(datas, 4, delim) ) mn := toint(str_get_field(datas, 5, delim) ) sc := toint(str_get_field(datas, 6, delim) ) tunits = "hours since 2015-01-01 00:00:00" ; "seconds/hours/days since ...." time := cd_inv_calendar(yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,sc,tunits, 0) time!0 = "time" ntimes = dimsizes(time) ;printVarSummary(time) delin = ";" lat := todouble( str_get_field(datas, 3, delin) ) ; fields count starts at 1 lon := todouble( str_get_field(datas, 4, delin) ) VAL := todouble( str_get_field(datas,5, delin) ) ;print("time="+time+" yyyy="+yyyy+" mm="+mm+" dd="+dd+" hh="+hh \ ; +" mn="+mn+" sc="+sc+" LAT="+LAT+" LON="+LON+" VAL="+VAL) ;------ Create grid coordinates to 1 km spatial resolution: lonW = (/-60.00d/) lonE = (/-53.00d/) latS = (/-23.00d/) latN = (/-13.00d/) dgrad = 0.01d nlat = toint(abs(latN-latS)/dgrad)+1 mlon = toint(abs(lonE-lonW)/dgrad)+1 lat2 = fspan(latS,latN,nlat) lon2 = fspan(lonW,lonE,mlon) lat2@long_name = "latitude" lat2@units = "degrees_north" lat2!0 = "lat2" lat2&lat2 = lat2 lon2@long_name = "longitude" lon2@units = "degrees_east" lon2!0 = "lon2" lon2&lon2 = lon2 ;----- Create a new var to store data new_data = new((/nlat,mlon/),"double") new_data = 0 ;start new_data!0 = "lat2" new_data!1 = "lon2" new_data&lat2 = lat2 new_data&lon2 = lon2 ;----- Select the data information within the grid area ii := ind( .and. lat.le.latN .and. \ .and. lon.le.lonE ) lat := lat(ii) ; reassign lon := lon(ii) var := lat ; need to be same size from lat or lon var = 1 ; value for reference (true or false - later) N = dimsizes(var) ;------ Adding the variable - var - for each lat and lon grid: do i=0,N-1 new_data({lat(i)},{lon(i)}) = new_data({lat(i)},{lon(i)})+(/var(i)/) end do new_data = where(, new_data,new_data@_FillValue) printVarSummary(new_data) printMinMax(new_data,0) WRITE_NETCDF = True varnames = (/"counts"/) if(WRITE_NETCDF) then fout = "var_2015_"+j+".nc" system("rm -f " + fout) ncdf = addfile(fout, "c") ncdf->$varnames(0)$ = new_data end if end do end