<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear all</div><div>I want to calculate and plot wind bias (both magnitude and direction). I did the following:</div><div>begin<br>;--------------------------------<br>; Data dir and files<br>; Opening data file<br>;--------------------------------<br> ddir = "/media/Segate4TB/data_wind/"<br> obsufile = "<a href="http://uwnd.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.nc">uwnd.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.nc</a>"<br> obsvfile = "<a href="http://vwnd.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.nc">vwnd.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.nc</a>"<br> modelfile = "<a href="http://model.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.remap.nc">model.850.1982-2016.JJASmean.remap.nc</a>"<br> obsudata = addfile(ddir+obsufile,"r")<br> obsvdata = addfile(ddir+obsvfile,"r")<br> modeldata = addfile(ddir+modelfile,"r")<br>;--------------------------------<br>; Reading variables <br>;--------------------------------<br> uo = (rm_single_dims(short2flt(obsudata->u)))<br> vo = (rm_single_dims(short2flt(obsvdata->v)))<br> um = rm_single_dims(modeldata->ua)<br> vm = rm_single_dims(modeldata->va)</div><div>;--------------------------------<br>; preparing data for plotting <br>;--------------------------------<br> windo = sqrt(uo^2+vo^2) ; magnitude of renalysis wind<br> copy_VarCoords(uo,windo) <br></div><div> windm = sqrt(um^2+vm^2) ;
; magnitude of model wind<br> copy_VarCoords(um,windm) <br> magb = windm - windo<br> copy_VarCoords(windo,magb)<br> ub = um - uo<br> vb = vm - vo</div><div></div><div> plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,magb,res)<br> uv_plot = gsn_csm_vector(wks,ub,vb,vcres)<br> overlay(plot,uv_plot)</div><div></div><div>Where "res" is the contour plot rresources and "vcres" is vector resources. Now I have the following questions:</div><div><br></div><div>1) Is the code is correct for wind bias plot?<br></div><div>2) What will be the direction of the bias wind? I mean if bias wind is flowing from the east will it be called easterly as we are doing in general wind? I get confused with the result of some published journals.</div><div>3) If let's suppose bias wind is easterly, then what can be commented about model as well as reanalysis wind? <br></div><div>Please reply. Any sort of suggestion will be of great help.</div><div>Thanking you,</div><div><br></div><div>Best<br></div><div>Suman</div></div>