[ncl-talk] local_min_1d

Manisha Ganeshan manisha.ganeshan86 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 11:05:30 MDT 2024


I'm using the function local_min_1d to identify local minima in a 1
dimensional array (non-cyclic).

 qmin = local_min_1d(ref_gr_tmp, False, 0, 0)

In some instances, I get a missing value. For instance, when the ref_gr_tmp
array is as follows:

(0) -32.48587

(1) -29.68181

(2) -25.42006

(3) -20.03051

(4) -19.69697

Is this expected to occur when there is no isolated minimum or "peak" in
the data?

Dr. Manisha Ganeshan
Morgan State University
Maryland, U.S.A.
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