[ncl-talk] Do not show significance level in a correlation map

Adam Phillips asphilli at ucar.edu
Fri Jan 26 16:52:04 MST 2024

Hi Jalal,
As you are running the exact version of NCL as I am, I do not have an
answer for you as to why the stippling is showing up for me but not for
you. (That should not happen.)  If you replace the draw(plot) line with
draw(plot2) do you get a plot that shows the stippling? The only other idea
I have is to bypass using gsn_contour_shade, which will allow you to color
the stippling a color other than black. I have attached a new script along
with the resulting graphic.

On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 7:39 PM Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you, sir. I am using NCL v6.6.2 in Ubuntu (Windows Subsystem for
> Linux).
> On Fri, 26 Jan 2024 at 01:38, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Jalal,
>> The error messages are happening as your SST array has missing data over
>> land, so there are grid points that are completely missing. In this case
>> the error messages can be ignored. With regards to the stippling: When I
>> run the exact script you sent, I do get stippling in numerous areas. I
>> altered the gsnShadeFillScaleF resource to .45 to make it more apparent,
>> and outlined the areas that are significant in the attached plot.
>> If when you run the script adam_sst_corr.ncl you are not getting any
>> stippling in the areas I outlined, I am puzzled. I am running NCL v6.6.2
>> which is the latest version of NCL. What version are you running?
>> Best,
>> Adam
>> On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 6:32 PM Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sir,
>>> I have now used the same data and code that you provided. However, the
>>> output does not show the significant shaded area (see attached figure). And
>>> I get the following warnings:
>>> *warning*:dim_rmvmean_n: 21375 rightmost sections of the input array
>>> contained all missing values
>>> *warning*:escorc: Non-fatal conditions encountered in series or xstd
>>> equals zero.
>>> Possibly, all values of a series are constant.
>>> *warning*:escorc: Most likely, one or more series consisted of all
>>> constant values
>>> I am waiting for your kind advice.
>>> On Thu, 25 Jan 2024 at 02:13, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jalal,
>>>> I am guessing the reason why my code didn't work with the NOAA/PSL data
>>>> is because that data's time coordinate variable did not match that of the
>>>> HadISST dataset. (In the script I sent you I used coordinate subscripting
>>>> of the time dimension to select the time needed.) Also, the NOAA/PSL SST
>>>> dataset you pointed me to only runs from 1981-2012, and your script was set
>>>> to analyze years 1980-2021.
>>>> I will write to you offline with how to download the HadISST data file.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 1:53 AM Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  Dear Sir,
>>>>> Could I have this dataset hadisst.187001-202212.nc?
>>>>> On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 19:42, Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you, sir, for your kind efforts. Your code works for
>>>>>> hadisst.187001-202212.nc data. However, when I use my sst data from
>>>>>> NOAA (sst.mnmean.nc), the code does not work. I do not know the
>>>>>> reason for this. Sorry to bother you.
>>>>>> NOAA sst data:
>>>>>> https://psl.noaa.gov/repository/entry/show?entryid=cac1c2a6-a864-4409-bb77-1fdead8eeb6e
>>>>>> On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 15:32, Md. Jalal Uddin <dmjalal90 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> This is great, thank you so much!
>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 05:09, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jalal,
>>>>>>>> I was able to plug in a monthly SST dataset that I have here, so I
>>>>>>>> was able to run your script. So I think what is happening is that the
>>>>>>>> stippling is so small/faint/sparse that it is hard to see it. I made two
>>>>>>>> changes to your script:
>>>>>>>> 1 - I was getting stippling over land as the rtest function was
>>>>>>>> seemingly not recognizing the _FillValue of the input array. (I find this
>>>>>>>> strange, but have not used rtest before.) To fix this, I put in a where
>>>>>>>> statement and added the _FillValue attribute to your p array:
>>>>>>>>   p = rtest(r_sst,42,0)
>>>>>>>> *  p at _FillValue = 1.e20*
>>>>>>>>   copy_VarCoords(r_sst, p)
>>>>>>>> *  p = where(ismissing(r_sst),p at _FillValue,p)*
>>>>>>>> 2 - I modified/added the following gsn_contour_shade options to
>>>>>>>> make the stippling more visible:
>>>>>>>> *  opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF   = 0.25         ; add extra density
>>>>>>>> opt at gsnShadeFillDotSizeF = 0.0015*
>>>>>>>> I have attached the modified script, along with the plot that I am
>>>>>>>> getting.
>>>>>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 8:58 PM Md. Jalal Uddin <
>>>>>>>> dmjalal90 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   Thank you very much, sir. I used the following resources:
>>>>>>>>>  opt                                       = True
>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShadeFillType      = "pattern"
>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShadeLow            = 17          ; stipple
>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF   = 0.5         ; add extra density
>>>>>>>>>   plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,r_sst, res)  ; create plot
>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,p, res2)
>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_contour_shade(plot2,0.05,999.,opt)\
>>>>>>>>>   overlay (plot, plot2)
>>>>>>>>>  draw(plot)
>>>>>>>>>  frame(wks)
>>>>>>>>> However, I did not get output as stipple areas where p value is
>>>>>>>>> less than 0.05. I added the full code including Nino data in the
>>>>>>>>> attachment. Should I send the SST data (sst.mon.mean.nc) via ftp?
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 06:55, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jalal,
>>>>>>>>>> As you are pattern filling, and the default is color filling, you
>>>>>>>>>> need to set:
>>>>>>>>>> opt at gsnShadeFillType = "pattern"
>>>>>>>>>> I am also unclear what you mean by this statement:
>>>>>>>>>> "...to show the significance level as a shaded pattern where p
>>>>>>>>>> value is less than 0.05 and 0.01"
>>>>>>>>>> Do you want to stipple areas less than .05? If so the following
>>>>>>>>>> code should do that:
>>>>>>>>>>   opt                      = True
>>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShade*Low*         = 17          ; stipple
>>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF   = 0.5         ; add extra density
>>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_contour_shade(plot2,0.05,999.,opt)
>>>>>>>>>> If instead you want to stipple areas less than .01, you will need
>>>>>>>>>> to modify the contour levels in your res2 resource list to have a contour
>>>>>>>>>> at .01:
>>>>>>>>>>   res2 at cnMinLevelValF      = 0.00        ; set min contour level
>>>>>>>>>>   res2 at cnMaxLevelValF      = .10        ; set max contour level
>>>>>>>>>>   res2 at cnLevelSpacingF     = 0.01        ; set contour spacing
>>>>>>>>>>   opt                      = True
>>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShade*Low*         = 17          ; stipple
>>>>>>>>>>   opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF   = 0.5         ; add extra density
>>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_contour_shade(plot2,0.01,999.,opt)\
>>>>>>>>>> Hope that answers your question. As always please respond to the
>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk email list with further questions.
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 6:15 AM Md. Jalal Uddin via ncl-talk <
>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have tried to use the gsn_contour_shade function to show the
>>>>>>>>>>> significance level as a shaded pattern where p value is less than 0.05 and
>>>>>>>>>>> 0.01. However, the output map does not show the shaded areas (please see
>>>>>>>>>>> the attached map).
>>>>>>>>>>> Here are some codes:
>>>>>>>>>>> r_sst  = escorc(ano_nino,ano_sstSON(lat|:,lon|:,time|:))
>>>>>>>>>>>  ; ccr(lat,lon)
>>>>>>>>>>> copy_VarCoords(ano_sstSON(0,:,:), r_sst)
>>>>>>>>>>> r_sst at long_name = "Correlation: r_sst"
>>>>>>>>>>>   p = rtest(r_sst,42,0)
>>>>>>>>>>>   copy_VarCoords(r_sst, p)
>>>>>>>>>>> opt                      = True
>>>>>>>>>>> opt at gsnShadeHigh         = 17          ; stipple
>>>>>>>>>>> opt at gsnShadeFillScaleF   = 0.5         ; add extra density
>>>>>>>>>>> opt at gsnShadeFillDotSizeF = 0.002      ; make dots larger
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,r_sst, res)  ; create plot
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,p, res2)
>>>>>>>>>>>   plot2 = gsn_contour_shade(plot2,0.01,0.05,opt)
>>>>>>>>>>>   overlay (plot, plot2)
>>>>>>>>>>>  draw(plot)
>>>>>>>>>>>  frame(wks)
>>>>>>>>>>> Please find the full code in the attached file.
>>>>>>>>>>> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> *Regards,*
>>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Jalal
>>>>>>>>>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju
>>>>>>>>>>> National University, South Korea
>>>>>>>>>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment,
>>>>>>>>>>> NUIST, China
>>>>>>>>>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>>>>>>>>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>>>>>>>>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>>>>>>>>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>>>>>>>>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>>>>>>>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>>>>>>>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>>>>>>>> Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
>>>>>>>>>> Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
>>>>>>>>>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>>>>>>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/
>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Regards,*
>>>>>>>>> Dr. Jalal
>>>>>>>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
>>>>>>>>> University, South Korea
>>>>>>>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST,
>>>>>>>>> China
>>>>>>>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>>>>>>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>>>>>>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>>>>>>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>>>>>>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>>>>>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>>>>>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>>>>>> Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
>>>>>>>> Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
>>>>>>>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>>>>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/
>>>>>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Regards,*
>>>>>>> Dr. Jalal
>>>>>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
>>>>>>> University, South Korea
>>>>>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST,
>>>>>>> China
>>>>>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>>>>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>>>>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>>>>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>>>>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>>>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>>>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Regards,*
>>>>>> Dr. Jalal
>>>>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
>>>>>> University, South Korea
>>>>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST,
>>>>>> China
>>>>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>>>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>>>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>>>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>>>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Regards,*
>>>>> Dr. Jalal
>>>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
>>>>> University, South Korea
>>>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST, China
>>>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>>>> --
>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>> Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
>>>> Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
>>>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/
>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
>>> --
>>> *Regards,*
>>> Dr. Jalal
>>> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
>>> University, South Korea
>>> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST, China
>>> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
>>> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
>>> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
>>> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
>>> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>>>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>>>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn
>> --
>> Adam Phillips
>> Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
>> Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/
>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
> --
> *Regards,*
> Dr. Jalal
> *Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
> University, South Korea
> *PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST, China
> *M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China
> *B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh
> *Founder and Director* of Research Society
> *Website*: https://researchsociety20.org/founder-and-director/
> *E-mails*: founder-and-director at researchsociety20.org
>               jalal at jejunu.ac.kr
>               20205103002 at nuist.edu.cn

Adam Phillips
Associate Scientist IV, Climate Analysis Section
Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research

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