[ncl-talk] WRF output plot over surface

Ehsan Taghizadeh ehsantaghizadeh at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 08:46:18 MST 2024

Dear NCL group,I'm not sure if this question belongs to the WRF forum or the NCL forum, but I would appreciate any help on this. I want to plot a variable (TOT_DUST in my case) on the surface level from a WRF-Chem output. I used an NCL script and found that the wrf_user_interp_level function in this language can interpolate a horizontal slice from a three-dimensional WRF-ARW field at the given vertical level(s). I'm not sure how to use this function (or maybe another function) to plot a 4D variable on the surface level.I look forward to hearing from you.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sincerely,Ehsan Taghizade

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