[ncl-talk] lat,lon subscript for Lambert projection

Debasish Hazra debasish.hazra5 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 02:17:36 MST 2024

I am trying to plot a timeseries over a point location from a netcdf file
which is in Lambert Conformal projection. I have defined
 lat2d = a1->lat
 lon2d = a1->lon
  nlat = dimsizes(lat2d(:,0))
  nlon = dimsizes(lat2d(0,:))
  dims = dimsizes(lon2d)
         precip_intg1 = a1->precip(0,:,:,:)
          loc1 = precip_intg1(:,{32.635},{-106.338})

fatal:NclOneDValGetClosestIndex: finish coordinate index out of range,
can't continue
fatal:Could not obtain coordinate indexes, unable to perform subscript

Is there a way to subscript lat,lon for Lambert projection in NCL.
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