[ncl-talk] error in plotting storm track

Zeinab Salah zeinabsalah at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 23:39:35 MDT 2023

Dear All,
We try to plot the track of storm from WRF output using the attached ncl
The attached figure results in, but just points without lines, and gets the
warning of " warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in map at this
We used one WRF file with a 3 hours interval, and the number of points in x
and y directions are 99.
The logfile of the script is attached

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
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 Copyright (C) 1995-2015 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 6.3.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
(0)	Check input data:1 .ne. 25
warning:gsnAddCyclic is not a valid resource in map at this time

(0)	dot:19.3146,34.8235
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.8235
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.9299
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.8235
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.717
(0)	dot:19.5739,34.717
(0)	dot:23.9824,29.334
(0)	dot:24.501,30.01
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.6103
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.0751
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.9676
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.9676
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.9676
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.1824
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.1824
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.2896
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.6103
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.5036
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.5036
(0)	dot:19.3146,34.2896
(0)	dot:32.0214,31.0153
(0)	dot:30.7248,36.717
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.86
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.86
(0)	dot:19.3146,33.86
(0)	Eye:4946
(0)	Eye:4946
(0)	Eye:5045
(0)	Eye:4946
(0)	Eye:4847
(0)	Eye:4849
(0)	Eye:32
(0)	Eye:630
(0)	Eye:4748
(0)	Eye:4253
(0)	Eye:4154
(0)	Eye:4154
(0)	Eye:4154
(0)	Eye:4352
(0)	Eye:4352
(0)	Eye:4451
(0)	Eye:4748
(0)	Eye:4649
(0)	Eye:4649
(0)	Eye:4451
(0)	Eye:1579
(0)	Eye:6816
(0)	Eye:4055
(0)	Eye:4055
(0)	Eye:4055
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