[ncl-talk] Cross section plot for AOD

Setareh Rahimi setareh.rahimi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 12:59:46 MDT 2023

Hi Dave,
Thanks for your advice. It seems that there is no defined coordinate for
"level". I checked the coordinate for the level for another variable but
found nothing, below is a summary of the tested variable as you suggested:
Variable: d

Type: float

Total Size: 294887880 bytes

            73721970 values

Number of Dimensions: 4

Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 49] x [bottom_top | 30] x [south_north | 229]
x [west_east | 219]


Number Of Attributes: 6

  FieldType : 104

  MemoryOrder : XYZ

  description : dust loss by wet deposition for size 5

  units : ug/kg-dryair

  stagger :

  coordinates : XLONG XLAT XTIME

here is prinVarSummary for AOD :

Variable: AOD550_3D

Type: float

Total Size: 6018120 bytes

            1504530 values

Number of Dimensions: 4

Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 1] x [level | 30] x [south_north | 229] x
[west_east | 219]


            Time: [  24..  24]

Number Of Attributes: 3

  description : AOD550_3D

  long_name : AOD550_3D

  _FillValue : 9.96921e+36


So in this case what is your suggestion, please?

kind regards,

On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 10:07 PM Dave Allured - NOAA Affiliate <
dave.allured at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Find the level coordinate on one of your input variables, and attach a
> copy to AOD after the AOD calculation.  It should be something like
> "aod&level = input&level".  Please refer to the section on coordinate
> variables in the user manual.  If you have trouble, then please show
> printVarSummary for AOD, and for one of the input variables that has levels.
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 11:10 AM Setareh Rahimi via ncl-talk <
> ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have calculated Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from WRF-Chem output using
>> "TAUAER2" and "TAUAER3" (script attached). I would like to plot AOD for a
>> specific latitude, on height. So after calculating AOD, I used *"gsn_csm_pres_hgt"
>> *to do so. However, I have got the below error:
>> *fatal: Dimension (level) of (AOD550_3D) does not have an associated
>> coordinate variable*
>> So how can I remove this error, please?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> S.Rahimi

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