[ncl-talk] If statement

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 24 07:50:45 MST 2023

I have not looked at the script but:
do hh = 0,33
        stdarr(hh,0) = (/ (yIndex(hh::34)) /)

hh is a scalar. So, when (say) hh=0

       stdarr(0,0) = (/ (yIndex(0::34)) /)     ; ==> 35 elements of yIndex

35 elements are being assigned to one array element.

NCL should have issued an error message.

Maybe, I am missing something!

On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 6:11 AM Melissa Lazenby via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hi All NCL Users
> I am struggling with a conditional statement that I would like to perform.
> Essentially, I am trying to make some bars pink instead of red to show a
> difference in uncertainty.
> I have the following code below to perform this but I think there is an
> error with how I am looping the array.
>   do hh = 0,33
>         stdarr(hh,0) = (/ (yIndex(hh::34)) /)
>  if ((hh.eq.1) .or. (hh.eq.2) .or. (hh.eq.3)) then
> sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"pink"/)
> else
> sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"red"/)
> end if
>         plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,fspan(1855.6,1888.7,34),stdarr(hh,0),sres)
>           ; draw each time series
>    end do
> This error occurs:
> (0)     gsn_csm_xy: Fatal: X and Y must have the same dimensions sizes, or
> one must be one-dimensional and both have the same rightmost dimension.
> Any help on this would be much appreciated!
> Many thanks!
> Kindest Regards
> Melissa
> Full Code:
> ;*******************************************************
> ; Mpwapwa.ncl
> ;
> ; Concepts illustrated:
> ;   - Drawing multiple bar charts on a page
> ;   - Drawing three custom legends outside a bar chart
> ;   - Using bar charts to draw standard deviations for four time series
> ;   - Drawing a time series plot
> ;*******************************************************
> ;
> ; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
>  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> begin
> x = (/1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866,
> 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878,
> 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889/)
> yIndex =
> (/0,2,-1,-3,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.05,2,0,-1,-1,-2,1,1,-2,-2,1,-1,-3,0.05,0.05,0.05,-3,0.05,0/)
> y20CR3 = (/-1.7049024, -1.9956352, 0.1017878, 1.5787968, 0.2902762,
> 0.1615032, 0.7573914, 0.127654184, 0.3391526, 0.18975348, 1.4533978,
> 0.28738338, 0.8228474, -1.2142216, 0.67589808, 1.3983746, 1.1087944,
> 0.58095216, -1.3422622, 0.226781852, 2.173188, 0.6511904, 0.9723054,
> -0.4989326, -1.5402072, -0.1535788, -0.226605, -1.6808838, -0.19809544,
> -0.1772666, 0.0769234, -0.6346154, -1.2222682, -0.0073483/)
> ;scaled by 5 and deleted first value to go for year 2.
> yCMIP5 = (/-0.9094243, 0.5458735, -0.8682191, -1.826278, -0.6501346,
> 0.1305088, 0.51643, 0.6247665, -0.4082086, 0.3641764, 1.476322, 0.842743,
> -0.5013026, -0.1281874, 0.4829363, -0.7015711, 0.269588, -0.2834916,
> -0.8827865, -0.4242322, -1.171241, -0.8289737, -0.4638377, 0.8812776,
> 0.5154026, -1.191759 ,0.8223722, -1.198702, -0.8878552, -1.724694,
> -1.62958, 1.02131, -1.440305, -2.299565/)
>      stdarr = new((/34,3/),"float")
>      do hh = 0,33
>         stdarr(hh,0) = (/ (yIndex(hh::34)) /)
>         stdarr(hh,1) = (/ (y20CR3(hh::34)) /)
>         stdarr(hh,2) = (/ (yCMIP5(hh::34)) /)
>      end do
>      print("Index Data = "+dimsizes(yIndex)+", 20CR3 =
> "+dimsizes(y20CR3)+", CMIP5 = "+dimsizes(yCMIP5))
> printVarSummary(stdarr)
> ;======================================================================================
>      wks = gsn_open_wks("X11","Mpwapwa_3_Plot")          ; send graphics
> to PNG file
> sres = True
>   sres at trXMinF = 1855
>   sres at trXMaxF = 1890
> sres at tmXBValues = ispan(1855,1890,5)     ; create major tickmarks with
> labels every 5 years
> sres at tmXBLabels = sres at tmXBValues
> sres at tmXBMinorValues = ispan(1855,1890,1)  ; as tmXBMode = "Explicit",
> this resource needs to be set to get minor tickmarks. Create minor
> tickmarks every year.
>      sres at vpWidthF = 0.8
>      sres at vpHeightF = 0.5
>      sres at vpXF = .15
>      sres at trYMinF = -3.5
>      sres at trYMaxF = 3.5
>      sres at gsnDraw = True
>      ;sres at gsnFrame = False
>      sres at gsnXYBarChart = True
>      sres at gsnXYBarChartBarWidth = 0.20           ; change bar widths
>      sres at tmXBMode          = "Explicit"         ; explicit labels
>      sres at tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.0205
>      sres at tmXTLabelFontHeightF = 0.0205
>      sres at tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.0225
>      sres at tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025
>      sres at tiMainFont = "helvetica"
>      sres at tiMainString = "Precipitation Anomalies for Mpwapwa"
>      sres at gsnRightString = ""
>      sres at tiYAxisString = "Pr Anomalies (mm/day) DJFMA"
>      sres at gsnYRefLine           = 0.              ; reference line
>         do hh = 0,33
>         stdarr(hh,0) = (/ (yIndex(hh::34)) /)
>  if ((hh.eq.1) .or. (hh.eq.2) .or. (hh.eq.3)) then
> sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"pink"/)
> else
> sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"red"/)
> end if
>         plot1 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,fspan(1855.6,1888.7,34),stdarr(hh,0),sres)
>           ; draw each time series
>    end do
>      sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"black"/)                         ;
> seperately, not
>      plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,fspan(1855.8,1888.9,34),stdarr(:,1),sres)
>       ; advancing the frame
>      sres at gsnXYBarChartColors = (/"blue"/)                             ;
> drawn on the X-axis
>      plot3 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,fspan(1856.4,1889.2,34),stdarr(:,2),sres)
>      lbres                    = True          ; labelbar only resources
>      lbres at vpWidthF           = 0.2           ; labelbar width
>      lbres at vpHeightF          = 0.1           ; labelbar height
>      lbres at lbBoxMajorExtentF  = 0.56          ; puts space between color
> boxes
>      lbres at lbMonoFillPattern  = True          ; Solid fill pattern
>      lbres at lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.025         ; font height. default is
> small
>      lbres at lbLabelJust        = "CenterLeft"  ; left justify labels
>      lbres at lbPerimOn          = False
>      lbres at lgPerimColor = "white"
>      colors = (/"red",   "black",  "blue"/)
>      labels = (/"Index", "Reanalysis", "CMIP5"/)
>      xpos   = (/0.15,    0.40,     0.7/)
>      do i=0,2
>        lbres at lbFillColors = colors(i)
>        gsn_labelbar_ndc(wks,1,labels(i),xpos(i),0.20,lbres)
>       end do
>      frame(wks)
> end
> Dr. Melissa Lazenby
> Lecturer in Climate Change
> Department of Geography
> Chichester 1 C150
> University of Sussex
> *"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
> world" Nelson Mandela*
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