[ncl-talk] vorticity: absolute or relative?

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 22 12:34:06 MST 2023

This is NOT a definitive answer, rather some insights gleaned by looking at
the source code.  The code that does the numerical computation behind
uv2vr_cfd specifically mentions relative vorticity. As far as I can tell,
the rest of those similarly named functions use NCAR's spherepack library
under the hood to perform their numerical processing. I don't have the
expertise to look at those calculations and tell you absolute vs relative.
Nowhere in the spherepack source code does the word "relative" appear.

So that's also NOT much of an answer -- my apologies. A naive question: is
it possible to contrive some data and run it through those other routines,
which would reveal relative vs absolute.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 11:43 AM Lesley Smith - NOAA Affiliate via ncl-talk
<ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Greetings awesome NCL community!
> Does anyone know if the vorticity functions uv2vrdvF, uv2vrG and
> similar compute absolute vorticity or relative vorticity?
> Only the uv2vr_cfd documentation specifies "relative vorticity."
> The others say "vorticity."
> Thanks for any input!
> -Lesley
> Lesley L. Smith, Ph.D.
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