[ncl-talk] Plot station points with markers having different colors and size with a label bar

Anie K Lal Anieklal at cas.iitd.ac.in
Sun Feb 12 11:30:46 MST 2023

Hi all,

I Have a csv file with lat lon and values:

Lat 	Lon	Values
27.156	77.961	16
27.883	78.067	0
25.44	81.734	39
30.383	76.767	7
31.71	74.797	47
26.681	88.329	5
27.567	81.6	7
28.422	79.451	30
24.133	88.267	0
25.233	86.95	17
23.233	87.85	0
30.733	76.883	7
26.333	89.497	3
26.167	85.9	0
24.917	84.183	0
28.585	77.206	47
25.933	80.833	0
26.3	87.267	0
24.744	84.951	46
26.74	83.45	32
27.383	80.167	0
29.179	75.755	46
26.533	88.717	3
25.491	78.558	7
26.404	80.41	0
29.7	77.033	0
22.533	88.333	7
23.4	88.517	0
25.45	82.867	25
26.867	80.933	0
26.761	80.889	46
30.867	75.933	4
27.233	79.05	0
25.033	88.133	7
29.017	77.717	7
26.667	84.917	0
26.117	85.4	0
29.617	78.383	0
22.655	88.447	47
30.333	76.467	46
25.591	85.088	47
25.267	87.467	7
26.983	84.85	0
25.3	83.017	3

I want to plot these on a map with different markers and sizes for 
different values ranging from 0 to 47.
I followed few examples from ncl website. I need to get a plot like this 

I am attaching the script and plot that I got. I am not able to 
understand what am I doing incorrectly. Please help me solve this.

Looking forward to any kind of help.

Thank you
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