[ncl-talk] Regridding problem for a CSV file data

Md. Jalal Uddin dmjalal90 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 03:17:25 MDT 2023

Dear all,

I have a pressure data (lat, lon, and pressure), and reshaped it ([81] x
[85] ) using the onedtond function in ncl.

After that, I tried to plot a similar figure like
https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Images/regrid_15_2_lg.png. But the
problem is to conform the pressure data with latlon. The full code and data
are attached herewith.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Dr. Jalal

*Postdoctoral Researcher,* Typhoon Research Center, Jeju National
University, South Korea

*PhD* in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, NUIST, China

*M.Sc.* in Applied Meteorology, NUIST, China

*B.Sc.* in Disaster Management, PSTU, Bangladesh

*Founder and Director* of Research Society

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