[ncl-talk] Main title position

Rick Brownrigg brownrig at ucar.edu
Sat Apr 29 07:39:23 MDT 2023

Hi Zilore,

I don't really know why things are not working for you. I would note
however, that the units for tiMainOffsetYF are normalized device
coordinates (NDC), which range from 0..1 along the longest dimension (not
axis!) of the plot. A value of "-2.5" would be well outside the plot
region; perhaps NCL is ignoring such a large value?


On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 2:13 AM Zilore Mumba via ncl-talk <
ncl-talk at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

>  I am trying to move my main title position downwards. I have tried the
> following, which all have no effect:
>    opts at tiUseMainAttributes = True
>    opts at FieldTitle = "mcape"
>    opts at MainTitle  = "MCAPE: NODA"
>    opts at tiMainJust = "BottomCenter"
>    opts at tiMainOffsetYF = -2.5
> I have tried several values of opts at tiMainOffsetYF = -2.5, no effect see
> image attached.
> Assistance will be appreciated.
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