[ncl-talk] splitting very large wrfout files

Lyndz olagueralyndonmark429 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 22:35:46 MST 2022

Dear NCL-experts,

Has anyone tried splitting a large wrfout file using NCL and writing the
output to the original wrfout format? I am encountering an nclMalloc issue
when processing large wrfout files.

Say I just to get specific time steps such as this:

  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRF_contributed.ncl"
  filename = "./wrfout_d01_2011-12-12_12_00_00"
  a     = addfile(filename,"r")
  times = wrf_user_getvar(a,"times",-1)
  theta_a = wrf_user_getvar(a,"theta",-1)
  pv_a    = wrf_user_getvar(a,"pvo",-1)                     ;potential

  theta = theta_a(80:90,:,:,:)
  pv = pv_a(80:90,:,:,:)

How do I save this to the original wrfout format?

I'll appreciate any help on this.

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