[ncl-talk] plot data in lambert_conformal grid

Debasish Hazra debasish.hazra5 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 12:33:00 MDT 2022

I am trying to plot variable which is in lambert_conformal grid, but I am
not able to generate the plot. Attached is ncl_filedump and ncl script.Can
anyone point out how to do it. Thanks

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 Copyright (C) 1995-2018 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 6.5.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.

Variable: f
Type: file
filename:	dynf000
path:	/tmpnwprd/2022101400/fcst_fv3lam/dynf000.nc
   file global attributes:
      ak : <ARRAY of 66 elements>
      bk : <ARRAY of 66 elements>
      cen_lat : 38.5
      cen_lon : -97.5
      dx : 3000
      dy : 3000
      grid : lambert_conformal
      grid_id : 1
      hydrostatic : non-hydrostatic
      lat1 : 21.13812
      lon1 : -122.7195
      ncnsto : 15
      nx : 1799
      ny : 1059
      source : FV3GFS
      stdlat1 : 38.5
      stdlat2 : 38.5
      grid_xt = 1799
      grid_yt = 1059
      nchars = 20
      pfull = 65
      phalf = 66
      time = 1
      float pfull ( pfull )
         cartesian_axis :	Z
         edges :	phalf
         long_name :	ref full pressure level
         positive :	down
         units :	mb

      float phalf ( phalf )
         cartesian_axis :	Z
         long_name :	ref half pressure level
         positive :	down
         units :	mb

      double time ( time )
         calendar :	JULIAN
         calendar_type :	JULIAN
         cartesian_axis :	T
         long_name :	time
         units :	hours since 2022-10-14 00:00:00

      double grid_xt ( grid_xt )
         cartesian_axis :	X
         long_name :	x-coordinate of projection
         units :	meters

      double grid_yt ( grid_yt )
         cartesian_axis :	Y
         long_name :	y-coordinate of projection
         units :	meters

      character time_iso ( time, nchars )
         long_name :	valid time
         description :	ISO 8601 datetime string

      double lon ( grid_yt, grid_xt )
         long_name :	T-cell longitude
         units :	degrees_E

      double lat ( grid_yt, grid_xt )
         long_name :	T-cell latitude
         units :	degrees_N

      float clwmr ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	cloud water mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float delz ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	height thickness
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m

      float dnvvelmax ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly downdraft velocity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s

      float dpres ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	pressure thickness
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	pa

      float dust ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	dust mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	ug/kg

      float dzdt ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	vertical wind
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/sec

      float grle ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	graupel mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float hgtsfc ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	surface geopotential height
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	gpm

      float icmr ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	cloud ice mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float maxvort01 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 0-1km vert. vorticity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	1/s

      float maxvort02 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 0-2km vert. vorticity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	1/s

      float maxvorthy1 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly lev 1 vert vort.
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	1/s

      float o3mr ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	ozone mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float pressfc ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	surface pressure
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	pa

      float rwmr ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	rain water mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float smoke ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	smoke mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	ug/kg

      float snmr ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	snow water mixing ratio
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float spfh ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	specific humidity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	kg/kg

      float srh01 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	0-1km srh
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float srh03 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	0-3km srh
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float tmp ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	temperature
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	K

      float ugrd ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	zonal wind
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/sec

      float uhmax03 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 0-3km updraft helicity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float uhmax25 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 2-5km updraft helicity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float uhmin03 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 0-3km updraft helicity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float uhmin25 ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly 2-5km updraft helicity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s**2

      float upvvelmax ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	Max hourly updraft velocity
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s

      float ustm ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	u comp of storm motion
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s

      float vgrd ( time, pfull, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	meridional wind
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/sec

      float vstm ( time, grid_yt, grid_xt )
         _FillValue :	-1e+10
         cell_methods :	time: point
         long_name :	v comp of storm motion
         missing_value :	-1e+10
         output_file :	dyn
         units :	m/s

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